作者1967年自願赴內濛古額侖草原插隊。1978年返城。1979年考入社科院研究生院。 其作品《狼圖騰》1971年起腹稿於內濛古锡盟東烏珠穆沁草原。1997年初稿於北京。2003年歲末定稿於北京。2004年4月齣版。
Chinaas runaway bestseller and winner of the inaugural Man Asian Literary Prize Published in China in 2004, "Wolf Totem" has broken all sales records, selling millions of copies (along with millions more on the black market).. Part period epic, part fable for modern days, "Wolf Totem" depicts the dying culture of the Mongolsathe ancestors of the Mongol hordes who at one time terrorized the worldaand the parallel extinction of the animal they believe to be sacred: the fierce and otherworldly Mongolian wolf. Beautifully translated by Howard Goldblatt, the foremost translator of Chinese fiction, this extraordinary novel is finally available in English.
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非常好的題材與非常獨特的角度,本來可以寫齣一部偉大的作品,可惜被作者低一個檔次的寫作技巧與過多的感慨毀瞭。 以第三人稱的口吻藉以抒發作者大段大段的感想,在小說中也顯得無比突兀,讓人懷疑,這是小說呢?還是論文?毫無疑問作者想提齣偉大的觀點,最後那個莫名...
評分綫索 中華民族的尚武精神 [原創追文] [轉載追文] 已挖(4) 徵集(5) 挖文奬(50)幣/文 原文奬(100)幣 白銀綫索 奬途幣? 中華民族的尚武精神:儒傢思想閹割瞭中華民族的尚武精神瞭嗎? NaDa(NaDa) [09/18/2008 22:48:41] 頂起 16 米 , 拍瞭 0 噸 , 點...
評分原本以為自己根本就不會看這本書,讓它靜靜躺在書店的一角和我沒有任何關係。沒想到他對這本書感興趣,於是我也做瞭讀這本書的嘗試。 不知不覺中,竟從晦澀變成瞭涓涓流暢,從堅持變成瞭依戀。一路上,狼身的皮毛和溫度似乎都圍在我的四周,讓我感到陣陣溫暖。書給我的...
圖書標籤: 狼圖騰 薑戎 重溫 英文版 現當代文學 小說 中國文學 literature
Couldn't hold back my tears at the end of the book...
評分A book about my homeland---Uljimqin Banner,Inner Mongolia.I sincerely love the book not only because it has focused on a real pattern of Mongolian daily life,but also,the book is a witness of the vicissitudes of grassland. The movie is expected!!
評分A book about my homeland---Uljimqin Banner,Inner Mongolia.I sincerely love the book not only because it has focused on a real pattern of Mongolian daily life,but also,the book is a witness of the vicissitudes of grassland. The movie is expected!!
評分A book about my homeland---Uljimqin Banner,Inner Mongolia.I sincerely love the book not only because it has focused on a real pattern of Mongolian daily life,but also,the book is a witness of the vicissitudes of grassland. The movie is expected!!
評分A book about my homeland---Uljimqin Banner,Inner Mongolia.I sincerely love the book not only because it has focused on a real pattern of Mongolian daily life,but also,the book is a witness of the vicissitudes of grassland. The movie is expected!!
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