Gregory Cochran is a physicist and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology at the University of Utah. For many years, he worked on lasers and image enhancement in the field of aerospace. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Henry Harpending holds the Thomas Chair as Distinguished Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Utah. He is a member of the National Acad
The 10,000 Year Explosion 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
年前土摩托在介绍《一万年爆发》这本书并写了篇书评后,引发了一些争论。 这本书的基本内容和观点,已有人总结,可参考 一、观点: 这边书的核心观点主要是: 1,近三万年来,人类演化不...
评分在一些考古学家和人类学家看来,自出“出非洲”以来,特别是最近的1万年间,人类的进化已经基本“停滞”了,那些能看到的比较明显的变化主要体现在文化方面,如果我们能够穿越,回到1万年前去看一看,应当发现那时的人类和现在没有任何生物上的区别。 对于这样的观点,本书的两...
评分002|123,《一万年的爆发》 副标题是“文明如何加速人类进化”,感觉像复利增长。人类创造了文明,文明加速了人类进化。 大众观点:自六万年前,现在智人走出非洲,便停止了进化(即当下智人基因跟过去四万年的智人没有很大区别)但,本书认为智人没有停止进化,甚至觉得“犹太...
图书标签: 人类学 科普 进化 进化论 evolution Biology 遗传学 遗传
A manifesto for and an example of a new kind of history, a biological history, and not just of the prehistoric era Scientists have long believed that the 'great leap forward' that occurred some 40,000 to 50,000 years ago in Europe marked the end of significant biological evolution in humans. In this stunning account of our evolutionary history, top scholars Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending reject this conventional wisdom and reveal that the human species has undergone a storm of genetic change much more recently. Human evolution in fact accelerated after civilisation arose, they contend, and these ongoing changes have played a pivotal role in human history. They argue that biology explains the expansion of the Indo-Europeans, the European conquest of the Americas, and European Jews' rise to intellectual prominence. In each of these cases, the key was recent genetic change: adult milk tolerance in the early Indo-Europeans that allowed for a new way of life, increased disease resistance among the Europeans settling America, and new versions of neurological genes among European Jews. Ranging across subjects as diverse as human domestication, Neanderthal hybridization, and IQ tests, Cochran and Harpending's analysis demonstrates convincingly that human genetics have changed and can continue to change much more rapidly than scientists have previously believed. A provocative and fascinating look at human evolution, "The 10,000 Year Explosion" reveals the ongoing interplay between culture and biology in the making of the human race.
评分ashkenazi intellegence
评分ashkenazi intellegence
评分一万年前,人类进入农业社会,从捕猎到农业社会的转型给人类带来了基因巨变。这本书解释了乳糖不耐,欧洲犹太人超高智商,印第安人几乎被灭族而非洲逃过一劫,等等的一个解释。另外,原来4,5万年前咱们还把智人的一支弟兄种族给wipe out了啊~所以说脑壳大是木有用滴
The 10,000 Year Explosion 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书