保羅·柯艾略(Paulo Coelho):
由於其巨大影響, 2007年,被聯閤國任命為和平大使。
The beloved, bestselling international author of "The Alchemist" returns with another haunting novel--a thrilling journey into our constant fascination with the worlds of fame, fortune, and celebrity. A profound meditation on personal power and innocent dreams that are manipulated or undone by success, "The Winner Stands Alone" is set in the exciting worlds of fashion and cinema. Taking place over the course of twenty-four hours during the Cannes Film Festival, it is the story of Igor, a successful, driven Russian entrepreneur who will go to the darkest lengths to reclaim a lost love--his ex-wife, Ewa. Believing that his life with Ewa was divinely ordained, Igor once told her that he would destroy whole worlds to get her back. The conflict between an individual evil force and society emerges, and as the novel unfolds, morality is derailed. Meet the players and poseurs behind the scenes at Cannes--the "Superclass" of producers, actors, designers, and supermodels, as well as the aspiring starlets, has-been stars, and jaded hangers-on. Adroitly interweaving the characters' stories, Paulo Coelho uses his twelfth novel to paint an engrossing picture of a world overrun by glamour and excess, and shows us the possibly dire consequences of our obsession with fame.
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評分 評分首先從文字上看來,這本書的錶現手法節奏較快,不過由於主題較為陰暗,較少用第一人稱的語言描寫人物心理,並且在行文過程中透露瞭許多題外的內幕,反而拖慢瞭整個節奏。緻使一方麵讀者需要留心切鏡的過程,另一方麵,看到最後纔發現整本書講的不過是兩天內發生的事情。 從人物...
評分當你讀過《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》,當你讀過《我坐在琵卓河畔,哭泣》,你可能不會相信《孤獨的贏傢》也齣自他手。畢竟亦真亦幻是你的喜好,突然被現實一擊,你有點不適應。 作傢更是情緒的動物,他總是遊弋在夢幻與現實之間。有一陣他沉溺於自己的夢,有一陣,他又與現實叫起真...
圖書標籤: Paulo_Coelho 英文原版 保羅·科埃略 fiction 文學 保羅・科埃略 paulocoelho 老大
So Cynical and full of clichés,像一個闖蕩好萊塢但未能成功的學生寫齣來的作品。Coelho之前在the alchemist 中化腐朽為神奇的insight在這本書中也不見蹤影。難道我讀的是僞作?
評分A twisted book reflects the twisted world of fame,glamour and money,power....all is vanity
評分i dont think it is a real novel, actually rolls in it are all looking for their true inner side, and so do we when we read it.
評分i dont think it is a real novel, actually rolls in it are all looking for their true inner side, and so do we when we read it.
評分the world of glamor and vanity
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