Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5th Edition Paper and DVD-ROM Pack 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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评分大字版看的舒服,也方便做笔记学习来用。。当然,大字版不太适合平常用了。。。但作为强大的工具书来说是不错的。。。 当当网竟然只给85折 http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=20820481&ref=search-1-A, 这还不如去我们这的图书批发市场买。。。呵呵。。
评分五月风筝2008-10-08 10:03:10 很喜欢。这本书的内容非常细致,书的质量甚好,且印刷精致。查阅方便,是值得购买的参考书籍。 相信对于学习英语,是非常有帮助的!
图书标签: 工具书 英语 词典 英语词典 英语学习 英文原版 English 语言学
The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (new edition) the most comprehensive dictionary and DVD-ROM ever.
230,000 words, phrases and meanings – more than any other advanced learner’s dictionary
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Over 65,000 collocations + an additional 82,000 on the DVD-ROM.
The top 3,000 most frequent words in spoken and written English are highlighted to show which are the most important to know.
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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 5th Edition Paper and DVD-ROM Pack 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书