赫爾曼·黑塞(Hesse Hermann,1877-1962),原籍德國,1923年入瑞士籍,以後長期在瑞士隱居鄉間。他被稱為德國浪漫派最後一位騎士,其代錶作《荒原狼》(1927)曾轟動歐美,被托馬斯·曼譽為德國的《尤利西斯》。1946年,“由於他的富於靈感的作品具有遒勁的氣勢和洞察力,也為崇高的人道主義理想和高尚風格提供瞭一個範例”,獲諾貝爾文學奬。
Beneath the Wheel is the story of Hans Giebenrath, a talented boy sent to an elite seminary in Maulbronn. However his education is focused on increasing his knowledge and neglects his development as a person. He befriends Hermann Heilner, who is less hard-working than he and more liberal; the friendship is a relief for Hans. In the end, Heilner is expelled from the seminary and Giebenrath is sent home after his performance decreases when he shows symptoms of mental illness.
Back home, he finds coping with his situation difficult, as he has lost most of his childhood to scholastic study, and thus never had time to form lasting personal relationships with anyone in his village. He is apprenticed as a blacksmith and seems to enjoy the work; concrete, as opposed to the abstraction of scholarly work.
Beneath the Wheel is one of Hesse's first novels and severely criticises education that focuses only on students' academic performance. In that respect, the novel is typical of Hesse. There are biographical elements in the story, as he attended and was expelled from the seminary described.
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在阿多尼斯的《門後的童年》裏讀到這樣一段:自從你認識瞭自己的路,你真正的失落便開始瞭:你把雙肩交付給誰,交付給哪一塊空間?你把臉朝嚮何方?你的太陽又是什麼?這種失落感,不會因為空氣嚮你張開瞭雙臂、青草同你娓娓而談而減輕。”忽然就讓我想起瞭黑塞的《在輪下》。 ...
評分 評分因為在《納爾齊斯和歌爾德濛》之後纔讀這本書,至於總是在閱讀到關於漢斯和海爾納的段落時會想起那雙生死閤契的摯友。 黑塞用文字所及仿佛為自己當年的命運續寫瞭各種可能的版本:熱忱地投身學習,最光明的前途即成為納爾齊斯;逃離束縛尋覓極緻的美和自由,便是海爾納或歌...
圖書標籤: 黑塞 赫爾曼·黑塞 日本 車輪の下 德國 小說 日文 近需
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