赫尔曼·黑塞(Hesse Hermann,1877-1962),原籍德国,1923年入瑞士籍,以后长期在瑞士隐居乡间。他被称为德国浪漫派最后一位骑士,其代表作《荒原狼》(1927)曾轰动欧美,被托马斯·曼誉为德国的《尤利西斯》。1946年,“由于他的富于灵感的作品具有遒劲的气势和洞察力,也为崇高的人道主义理想和高尚风格提供了一个范例”,获诺贝尔文学奖。
車輪の下 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分汉斯悄无声息地走了,他离去的时候,一定很不甘心吧。 一个天资聪颖的少年,头顶众人艳羡的光环,是光鲜亮丽,也是束缚缠身。活在别人眼光下的孩子,哪里会有自己? 去参加邦试,考试结束后,两个小孩对题。汉斯的答案与另一个少年的答案很不相同。汉斯急急忙忙从课本里找到...
评分黑塞的《在轮下》。读来令人心恸而绝望。 汉斯是一个孩子。一个敏感而聪慧的孩子。 年纪轻轻的就死去了。世上再也没有他了。 留给人许久的岑寂和异常痛苦的纷扰思绪。 1。.汉斯是个天才小少年,也是个听话的好孩子。人们寄予了他太多的期望,他也就把所有的快乐时光作了赌注...
图书标签: 黑塞 赫尔曼·黑塞 日本 车轮の下 德国 小说 日文 近需
Beneath the Wheel is the story of Hans Giebenrath, a talented boy sent to an elite seminary in Maulbronn. However his education is focused on increasing his knowledge and neglects his development as a person. He befriends Hermann Heilner, who is less hard-working than he and more liberal; the friendship is a relief for Hans. In the end, Heilner is expelled from the seminary and Giebenrath is sent home after his performance decreases when he shows symptoms of mental illness.
Back home, he finds coping with his situation difficult, as he has lost most of his childhood to scholastic study, and thus never had time to form lasting personal relationships with anyone in his village. He is apprenticed as a blacksmith and seems to enjoy the work; concrete, as opposed to the abstraction of scholarly work.
Beneath the Wheel is one of Hesse's first novels and severely criticises education that focuses only on students' academic performance. In that respect, the novel is typical of Hesse. There are biographical elements in the story, as he attended and was expelled from the seminary described.
車輪の下 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书