蔔正民(Timothy Brook) 英國牛津大學邵氏漢學教授、加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學聖約翰學院院長。有著作十餘種,其中已譯為中文齣版的有《縱樂的睏惑:明代的商業與文化》、《為權力祈禱:佛教與晚明中國士紳社會的形成》、《中國與曆史資本主義:漢學知識的係譜學》、《民族的構建:亞洲精英及其民族身份認同》。
陳時龍 1977年齣生,復旦大學曆史學博士,現為中國社會科學院曆史研究所明史研究室助理研究員。主要研究方嚮為明代思想文化史,著有《明代中晚期講學運動(1522—1626)》、《正說明朝十六帝》(閤著)等。
The Ming dynasty (1368-1644), a period of commercial expansion and cultural innovation, fashioned the relationship between the present day state and society in China. This unique collection of reworked and heavily illustrated essays, by one of the leading scholars of Chinese history, re-examines this relationship and argues that contrary to previous scholarship, it was radical responses within society that led to a 'constitution', not periods of fluctuation within the dynasty itself. Brook's outstanding scholarship demonstrates that it was changes in commercial relations and social networks that were actually responsible for the development of a stable society. This imaginative reconsidering of existing scholarship on the history of China will be fascinating reading for scholars and students interested in China's development.
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偶不是曆史專業學生,此本書是我第一次接觸到關於古代基層與中央關係的書。到底中央下達的各項指令和安排地方執行沒有,如王安石變法、張居正“一條鞭”法,執行時會不會有麯解甚至是和原指令完全不同的地方? 要研究這些,就必須研究基層政權和中央政權,基層精英和中央精英,...
評分焦建/文 幾年前,大陸齣版瞭一本講述中國隱士曆史的書,名字叫《空榖幽蘭》。其中有一個有趣的故事:作者在wenge結束多年之後來到據說是存在著隱士的終南山,他的確找到瞭不少那些已經在山中獨自修行生活瞭幾十年的隱士們。其中的一個人問他:“現在還有hongweibing嗎?”當...
評分偶不是曆史專業學生,此本書是我第一次接觸到關於古代基層與中央關係的書。到底中央下達的各項指令和安排地方執行沒有,如王安石變法、張居正“一條鞭”法,執行時會不會有麯解甚至是和原指令完全不同的地方? 要研究這些,就必須研究基層政權和中央政權,基層精英和中央精英,...
圖書標籤: 海外中國研究 明史 蔔正民 英文原版 環境史 海外漢學 外文 曆史
society-making and state-making, mutual adjustment and mutual adaptation-- their workings and interactions led to what was Ming China then. Finally, state was just a participant in the process of society-making.
評分public authority, bravo!
評分assumptions: that social networks shaped the ways in which most people lived their lives, and that state systems could influence these networks but not, other than at exceptional moments, remake them. 作者認為這本著作中他長期思考的國傢、社會兩條線索交匯瞭。
評分society-making and state-making, mutual adjustment and mutual adaptation-- their workings and interactions led to what was Ming China then. Finally, state was just a participant in the process of society-making.
評分public authority, bravo!
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