奇普·希思(Chip Heath)现任斯坦福大学商学院组织行为学教授。现居于加州洛斯加托斯。
丹·希思(Dan Heath)奇普·希思的弟弟,杜克企业教育学院咨询师,前哈佛商学院研究员,Thinkwell新媒体教育公司创办人之一。现居于北加利福尼亚罗利市。
Made to Stick 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
书是本好书,千万别误会,推荐阅读,但是请看英文版!!! 差点儿就要买实体书了(电子版的缺章节),但总觉得读起来有点儿累,好些句子要读个好几遍才明白啥意思,而且有的时候还因为缺乏逻辑关系,看得晕头转向的。 无奈,看了下英文版,没想到居然很好读!!!不知道那个...
评分阅读《让创意更有黏性》这本书时,有一个观点让我印象非常深刻,那就是:“知识的诅咒”。 一旦我们知道某样东西,我们就会发现很难想象不知道它是什么样子。我们的知识“诅咒”了我们。对于我们来说同别人分享我们的知识变得很困难,因为我们不易重造我们听众的...
评分高效传播的本质是对人性的洞察,其中,聚焦和讲故事又是最重要的两条。 1.Simple 第一条也是最重要的一条,聚焦一个核心,做减法。 这其实也是人性中的至关重要的一个方面,心智空间有限。 “如果你从十个方面去辩论,即使每一方面都发挥得很好,当陪审员回到休息室,他们还...
评分前言 让创意富有黏性(你的创意能被理解和记住,以及具有持久的影响力,以改变受众的观点或行为。) 以一个“偷肾”的城市传说(城市传说总是以“一个朋友的朋友”或者看似拥有详实信息的主人公 开头)入手,提出然后能够培养出使人记住并重述的创意的问题。 再以“电影院爆...
评分1 所谓粘性,是指你的创意与观点能让人听懂,能被人记住,并形成持久的影响(换言之,它们能够改变受众的思想或行为) 2 知识的诅咒:我们一旦知道某事,就无法想象不知道这是的情况发生的原因;我们的知识“诅咒”了我们。我们很难与他人分享这些知识,因为我们无法轻易摸透...
图书标签: 思维 设计 表达 美国 英文原版 国图有 商业 创业
Mark Twain once observed, “A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on.” His observation rings true: Urban legends, conspiracy theories, and bogus public-health scares circulate effortlessly. Meanwhile, people with important ideas–business people, teachers, politicians, journalists, and others–struggle to make their ideas “stick.”
Why do some ideas thrive while others die? And how do we improve the chances of worthy ideas? In Made to Stick , accomplished educators and idea collectors Chip and Dan Heath tackle head-on these vexing questions. Inside, the brothers Heath reveal the anatomy of ideas that stick and explain ways to make ideas stickier, such as applying the “human scale principle,” using the “Velcro Theory of Memory,” and creating “curiosity gaps.”
In this indispensable guide, we discover that sticky messages of all kinds–from the infamous “kidney theft ring” hoax to a coach’s lessons on sportsmanship to a vision for a new product at Sony–draw their power from the same six traits.
Made to Stick is a book that will transform the way you communicate ideas. It’s a fast-paced tour of success stories (and failures)–the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who drank a glass of bacteria to prove a point about stomach ulcers; the charities who make use of “the Mother Teresa Effect”; the elementary-school teacher whose simulation actually prevented racial prejudice. Provocative, eye-opening, and often surprisingly funny, Made to Stick shows us the vital principles of winning ideas–and tells us how we can apply these rules to making our own messages stick.
From the Hardcover edition.
Made to Stick 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书