Michael Allen Gillespie is the Jerry G. and Patricia Crawford Hubbard Professor of Political Science in Trinity College of Arts and Sciences and professor of philosophy at Duke University. He is the author of Hegel, Heidegger, and the Ground of History and Nihilism Before Nietzsche, both published by the University of Chicago Press.
The Theological Origins of Modernity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
前年买了英文版,当即读了几章,对作者深为佩服,实在是高人啊。当时就在想要是有人翻译为中文就好了,可以解决我们不少的误解。 可惜后来多有外出,没能完整读下来,现在欣见中文版面世,觉得译者选书很有眼光,期待尽快买到一睹为快。
评分(随想随写。细看的是英文版。) “现代性的神学起源”这个偏正词组,中心或重心在哪里?这就见仁见智了。不同的仁和智,也就导致了对这本书的不同“贪图”、索求、理解。 如果说现代社会的现代性思想话语历程和话语是波澜壮阔的“大河剧”、“延伸剧”和无数的“同人作”所组...
评分 评分身为人的第一个需求和追求是不是应该“认识你自己”。正确而真诚的认识自己要求持续不断的回溯和保持在神面前的谦逊。这同时也是生活的要求,“未经审视的生活是不值得过的”,这对整个人类来说同样重要。以下的感想对于不信仰一个这样的“造物主”(或者第一因)的神的人来说...
图书标签: 神学 哲学 现代性 历史 Gillespie modernity 中世纪 EnglishLiterature
Exposing the religious roots of our ostensibly godless age, Michael Allen Gillespie reveals in this landmark study that modernity is much less secular than conventional wisdom suggests. Taking as his starting point the collapse of the medieval world, Gillespie argues that from the very beginning, moderns sought not to eliminate religion but to support a new view of religion and its place in human life. He goes on to explore the ideas of such figures as William of Ockham, Petrarch, Erasmus, Luther, Descartes, and Hobbes, showing that modernity is best understood as a series of attempts to formulate a new and coherent metaphysics or theology.
The Theological Origins of Modernity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书