Mike Cohn曾就職於財富500強公司、小公司、以及從事過兩者之間的許多工作。憑藉敏捷與Scrum的十五年的經驗,Mike 用豐富的經驗和廣博的知識深度幫助您的組織創建和打造高績效團隊。
Proven, 100% Practical Guidance for Making Scrum and Agile Work in Any Organization This is the definitive, realistic, actionable guide to starting fast with Scrum and agile--and then succeeding over the long haul. Leading agile consultant and practitioner Mike Cohn presents detailed recommendations, powerful tips, and real-world case studies drawn from his unparalleled experience helping hundreds of software organizations make Scrum and agile work. Succeeding with Agile is for pragmatic software professionals who want real answers to the most difficult challenges they face in implementing Scrum. Cohn covers every facet of the transition: getting started, helping individuals transition to new roles, structuring teams, scaling up, working with a distributed team, and finally, implementing effective metrics and continuous improvement. Throughout, Cohn presents "Things to Try Now" sections based on his most successful advice. Complementary "Objection" sections reproduce typical conversations with those resisting change and offer practical guidance for addressing their concerns. Coverage includes * Practical ways to get started immediately--and "get good" fast* Overcoming individual resistance to the changes Scrum requires* Staffing Scrum projects and building effective teams* Establishing "improvement communities" of people who are passionate about driving change* Choosing which agile technical practices to use or experiment with* Leading self-organizing teams* Making the most of Scrum sprints, planning, and quality techniques* Scaling Scrum to distributed, multiteam projects* Using Scrum on projects with complex sequential processes or challenging compliance and governance requirements* Understanding Scrum's impact on HR, facilities, and project management Whether you've completed a few sprints or multiple agile projects and whatever your role--manager, developer, coach, ScrumMaster, product owner, analyst, team lead, or project lead--this book will help you succeed with your very next project. Then, it will help you go much further: It will help you transform your entire development organization.
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看到瞭第二章,這本書寫的不錯,是對Scrum導入分析的很透的書,推薦大傢閱讀。 我總結瞭第一章的一些內容: 瞭解Scrum: 1. Scrum 適用於每一個公司。 2. Scrum 會引起公司很多部門的反對,原因之一是可能會影響一些人的仕途;它帶來的變革是全麵的,不局限於開發團隊;沒有...
評分一本scrum方麵的大部頭, 很多內容講的比較細, 也比較全, 很多地方都涉及到項目管理的知識, 當然還有敏捷相關的知識, 不過較少, 有選擇性的看瞭看, 算是其他scrum書籍的一個補充吧. ------------------我是讀書筆記的分割綫------------------ scrum這個遊戲如同圍棋, 入門...
評分一本顛覆更新思維的書,值得再讀和作為手邊的工具書。 分為:啓航,個體,團隊,組織,下一站的結構。 Scrum中的應用: 1. Scrum推行的方法 2. 個體對scrum的適應 3. 團隊對scrum適應轉型角色轉換 4. 組織對scrum的支持 不同文化之間的差異: 美國看中個人主義和功勞,...
圖書標籤: 敏捷開發 Scrum agile 敏捷 項目管理 軟件工程 MikeCohn 計算機
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