Michael J. Puett is John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Humanities at Harvard University.
The Ambivalence of Creation 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
首先,普鸣运用史料时很注重系年(这当然是很重要的基本素养,尤其是不做“伸手党”自己考证),而他的系年方法与其师夏含夷几乎如出一辙,主要是根据文本中能反映“时代特色”的语汇,再结合出土文献和前人研究进行系年。 其次,由于他要把先秦诸子文献翻译成英文,这就意味着...
评分首先,普鸣运用史料时很注重系年(这当然是很重要的基本素养,尤其是不做“伸手党”自己考证),而他的系年方法与其师夏含夷几乎如出一辙,主要是根据文本中能反映“时代特色”的语汇,再结合出土文献和前人研究进行系年。 其次,由于他要把先秦诸子文献翻译成英文,这就意味着...
评分文 / 杨起予(清华大学新雅书院、《作与不作》译者) 我们长时间困惑于如何翻译普鸣(Michael Puett)The Ambivalence of Creation 一书的书名。一天,甘阳老师提议将其译成“作与不作”。我和几位同学在收到消息时,都不由自主地把“作”字读成了一声。可普鸣老师却很喜欢。原...
评分文 / 杨起予(清华大学新雅书院、《作与不作》译者) 我们长时间困惑于如何翻译普鸣(Michael Puett)The Ambivalence of Creation 一书的书名。一天,甘阳老师提议将其译成“作与不作”。我和几位同学在收到消息时,都不由自主地把“作”字读成了一声。可普鸣老师却很喜欢。原...
评分哈佛大学东亚系教授普鸣(Michael Puett)所著《作与不作》(The Ambivalence of Creation)以早期中国思想为研究对象,全书分为五个独立的章节,沿着历史发展的时间线索,意图重新审视自晚商而至西汉之间中国古典文化的基本问题及其处理方式。在这一过程中,普鸣尝试重组那些...
图书标签: 普鸣 域外汉学 中国思想与学术 上古史 Puett 艺术史 汉学 思想史
As early as the Warring States period in China (fourth through third centuries b.c.), debates arose concerning how and under what circumstances new institutions could be formed and legitimated. But the debates quickly encompassed more than just legitimation. Larger issues came to the fore: Can a sage innovate? If so, under what conditions? Where did human culture originally come from? Was it created by human sages? Is it therefore an artificial fabrication, or was it based in part on natural patterns? Is it possible for new sages to emerge who could create something better?
This book studies these debates from the Warring States period to the early Han (second century b.c.), analyzing the texts in detail and tracing the historical consequences of the various positions that emerged. It also examines the time’s conflicting narratives about the origin of the state and how these narratives and ideas were manipulated for ideological purposes during the formation of the first empires.
While tracing debates over the question of innovation in early China, the author engages such questions as the prevailing notions concerning artifice and creation. This is of special importance because early China is often described as a civilization that assumed continuity between nature and culture, and hence had no notion of culture as a fabrication, no notion that the sages did anything other than imitate the natural world. The author concludes that such views were not assumptions at all. The ideas that human culture is merely part of the natural world, and that true sages never created anything but instead replicated natural patterns arose at a certain moment, then came to prominence only at the end of a lengthy debate.
在大四忙着申请时必修的学术翻译课素材…要死不活翻了一学期…sad 让我这样痛苦却必须一字一句读的书…
评分在大四忙着申请时必修的学术翻译课素材…要死不活翻了一学期…sad 让我这样痛苦却必须一字一句读的书…
评分只是个browser 不是个page-turner 可能这不是我最感兴趣的地方吧
评分在大四忙着申请时必修的学术翻译课素材…要死不活翻了一学期…sad 让我这样痛苦却必须一字一句读的书…
The Ambivalence of Creation 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书