Mediaevalism in Europe 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Medievalism, the whole spectrum of post-medieval response to the middle ages, is now accepted as a vital key to the understanding of Western culture and society from 1500 to the present, pervading every aspect of our time, from the popular and artistic to the scholarly. 'Studies in Medievalism', now published annually, is the one series to provide a regular forum for discussion of medievalism. This volume is devoted to medievalism in Europe, excluding England (the subject of 'Volume IV,1992'). Contributors from Europe and America consider medievalism in Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Serbia over a wide range of topics from eighteenth-century French politics and nineteenth-century German nationalism to contemporary Italian film. CONTENTS: Spain's Medievalist Project in the New World, Medievalism and Science in the Tuscany of the Last Medici, The Economic Decline and Reinfeudation of the State of Milan in the Seventeenth Century, Medieval Nostalgia in France, 1750-1789: The Gothic Imaginary at the End of the Old Regime, Ideology and Utopia in the Medievalism of Louis de Bonald, (Re)Creating a Medieval Parade: La Feete Historique in Douai, Medievalism and Natinalism in Nineteenth-Century Germany, The Prussian Royal House and Pictorial Representations of the Nibelung Saga, Medievalism in Serbian Paintings of the Nineteenth Century, etc.
Mediaevalism in Europe 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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