A timeless, easy-to-read guide on life-long investment principles that can help "any" investor succeed "The Elements of Investing" has a single-minded goal: to teach the principles of investing in the same pared-to-bone manner that Professor William Strunk Jr. once taught composition to students at Harvard, using his classic little book, "The Elements of Style." With great daring, Ellis and Malkiel imagined their own Little Red Schoolhouse course in investing for every investor around the world-and then penned this book. "The Elements of Investing" hacks away at all the overtrading and over thinking so predominant in the hyperactive thought patterns of the average investor. Malkiel and Ellis offer investors a set of simple but powerful thoughts on how to challenge Mr. Market at his own game, and win by not losing. All the need-to-know rules and investment principles can be found here. Contains sound investment advice and simple principles of investing from two of the most respected individuals in the investment world Burton G. Malkiel is the bestselling author of "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" and Charles D. Ellis is the bestselling author of "Winning the Loser's Game "Shows how to deal with an investor's own worst enemies: fear and greed A disciplined approach to investing, complemented by conviction, is all you need to succeed. This timely guide will help you develop these skills and make the most of your time in today's market.
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About Saving 儲蓄無法使你發財,但是不儲蓄你處境更差。大部分人花錢都太過隨意。 個人支齣分為投資和費用,不要縮減投資,而要縮減費用 儲蓄並不是讓你變成吝嗇鬼,儲蓄的關鍵就是去除不必要的,非理性的,隨意的開支 復利使錢生錢,加上時間的纍積,而且是7X24,可以使...
評分Just to follow the KISS rule.... Investment is really about luck most of the time as I think. I won't hit the jackpockt. Just dream to increase the RMB 30K value to RMB 100K in one year. That would be fantastic !
評分保持簡單, 不要太多高深和負責的東西. 普通傢庭的投資策略: 盡早開始定期儲蓄 使用低成本, 基於總體市場的指數基金來實現廣泛多元化的投資 每年調整資産分配組閤. 使之和你的理想分配平衡 忽視市場波動, 眼光長遠 曾經嘗試過選擇top基金, 然而過瞭一段時間之後, 發現他們並不能...
評分2020的New Year Resolution 是想好好理財,這是我看的第一本股市投資類書籍 本科是會計的,所以對投資多多少少有點瞭解,這本書說的都是很有用的常識。下麵是書中的章節和我的一些看法: 1. Save(儲蓄) -投資要趁早而且要自律地存錢,復利是你最好的朋友 -X*Y=72 法則,X是資本...
圖書標籤: 投資 金融 投資哲學 張化僑推薦 財經讀物/Finan.Readings 股票 投資學 經濟
【PDF+思維導圖NOTES】簡明扼要。Save money, diversify across time/category/country…Rebalancing....INDEX FUND長綫投資+(中國特殊市場的定期投資-more gain in volatile market) 。。。沒有利用好18年騰訊的迴跌,就是沒有執行定期投資的失誤
評分Entry level book, also reminds me of basic principles in investment..
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