安德魯•羅斯•索爾金(Andrew Ross Sorkin)《
Andrew Ross Sorkin delivers the first true behind-the-scenes, moment-by-moment, account of how the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression developed into a global tsunami. From inside the corner office at Lehman Brothers to secret meetings in South Korea, Russia and the corridors of Washington, "Too Big to Fail" is the definitive story of the most powerful men and women in finance and politics grappling with success and failure, ego, greed, and, ultimately, the fate of the world's economy. 'We've got to get some foam down on the runway!' a sleepless Timothy Geithner, the president of the Federal Reserve of New York would tell Henry M.Paulson, the Treasury Secretary about the catastrophic crash of the world's financial system would experience. Through unprecendented access to the players involved, "Too Big to Fail" recreates all the drama and turmoil, revealing never-disclosed details and elucidating how decisions made on Wall Street over the past decade sowed the seeds of the debacle. This true story is not just a look at banks that were 'too big to fail', it is a real-life thriller about a cast of bold-faced names who themselves thought they were 'too big to fail'.
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Too big to fail, but it also too long to read.斷斷續續讀瞭快一個月,終於讀完瞭。感受如下: 1、書中齣現的人名時間太多瞭,我到後麵幾乎是忽略人名,而僅關注起所在公司。 2、多人閤譯的痕跡還是比較明顯,前後有些固定詞匯翻譯修訂時可以更好統一。舉個例子:General Cou...
評分如果早有人告訴我這本書和《冰與火之歌》很像,而且更精彩,我可能早就看瞭。所以彆人不說我說一下吧。為什麼像?有以下幾點原因。 首先,寫作手法都是基於POV的。這在冰火裏當然很明顯,在《大而不倒》則比較隱晦。總體上《大而不倒》的內容是按時序編排,同一時段不同場所發...
評分這兩年“大而不倒”的概念炒得挺火。前幾天聽說這本書是高盛和金融時報評齣來的年度六本商業圖書之一,另外五本的中文版應該還沒齣瞭吧,而且看到這本是小說應該不枯燥,就賣瞭來看。 昨天收到的,第一感覺是真厚,確實“大”。封麵和整體設計挺漂亮的,很有設計感。不過這個封...
圖書標籤: 金融危機 金融 華爾街 Finance 紀實 經濟 美國 雷曼兄弟
epic for a nation, learning-oriented for an amateur, simple for an outsider
評分在生日那天早上上班的時候讀完瞭這本書,花瞭好幾個月,慢慢讀下來的,邊讀邊做瞭筆記,把自己覺得好的句子摘錄瞭下來背誦。很喜歡Andrew的筆法和文字,非常細膩,而且特彆注重細節,把這樣一個人物眾多,情節交錯,多重時空的現實故事娓娓道來。但是,我同意Amazon上大傢的評價,這本書還是更偏嚮於一個文學作品,如果想真正瞭解金融危機的成因,Wall Street上的這群極其聰明並且野心膨脹的傢夥們都做瞭什麼,那應該換一本書吧~ Michael Lewis的書講得更好
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