Economics 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分當年大一上選修課被老師力薦,而且也是我讀過課本中再版此書最多的——到作者去世前夕已經齣道第19版,我有幸在國圖看到這個版本的原版,目前貌似沒有中譯版——我精讀的就是第18版。 很明顯初級經濟學教材中,曼昆似乎比這本老態龍鍾的大部頭要時尚的多,很遺憾我沒...
評分係統性很強,初學者看比較不錯。 語言文字都挺有趣。 有一定的深入性,可以令讀者有加深瞭解的興趣。 除瞭理論經濟學,還提及到瞭很多內容,例如會計學的資産負債錶。 但微觀部分不夠全麵,蛛網模型、點彈性、補償預算綫等都沒有提及。
評分當年大一上選修課被老師力薦,而且也是我讀過課本中再版此書最多的——到作者去世前夕已經齣道第19版,我有幸在國圖看到這個版本的原版,目前貌似沒有中譯版——我精讀的就是第18版。 很明顯初級經濟學教材中,曼昆似乎比這本老態龍鍾的大部頭要時尚的多,很遺憾我沒...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 economics 經濟 螺絲釘 經濟金融 教材 投資理財 en
It is much more difficult to read this book than reading Mankiw’s text books. This book is rich in terminology, theories and models, but it really confused me how many of these rules could be adopted in understanding the present eco-society.
評分It is much more difficult to read this book than reading Mankiw’s text books. This book is rich in terminology, theories and models, but it really confused me how many of these rules could be adopted in understanding the present eco-society.
評分C+/It may be useful for beginners but it is definitely unsuitable to advanced learners. It seems that Mr. Samuelson was trying to find a balance between introducing economics insights and presenting knowledge in an amusing way, but it works out terribly. The book shows some advanced models without sufficient explanation, which is annoying.
評分讀完秦老師的market benchmark and natural resources之後 用三個月的時間啃完瞭這本書 所以 並不是“我不懂經濟學 所以看見eco analysis隻能繞著走” 而是“因為這個問題很重要 the underlying rationale is economic in nature 所以我願意從頭開始學 即使之前什麼都不懂” 永遠永遠不要給自己設限 大概從老師那裏學到的最重要一課 自勉
Economics 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載