雷濛德•;瓦剋斯(Raymond Wacks),香港大學榮休教授。1986—1993年擔任香港大學法律學係主任。主要研究領域為法律理論和人權理論,尤其精於隱私保護理論研究,是該領域的國際著名權威。
What is law? Does it have a purpose? What is its relationship with justice? Do we have a moral duty to obey the law? These sorts of questions lie at the heart of jurisprudence. Moreover, every substantive or 'black letter' branch of the law raises questions about its own meaning and function. The law of contract cannot be properly understood without an appreciation of the concepts of rights and duties. The law of tort is directly related to several economic theories of compensation. The criminal law is inextricably linked to philosophies of punishment? Understanding Jurisprudence explores these problems and provides an engaging introduction to the central issues of legal theory. The book navigates the reader through legal philosophy's fundamental concepts, concerns, and controversies. An experienced teacher of jurisprudence and distinguished writer in the field, Professor Wacks adopts an approach that is easy to follow and understand without avoiding the complexities and subtleties of the subject. Students of law, politics, philosophy, and other social sciences will find this an ideal guide to the essential themes of contemporary jurisprudence. Online Resource Centre A free online resource accompanies the book and provides the following resources: Analysis of current controversies of a jurisprudential nature such as current legal and moral controversies and political debates An additional chapter providing guidance and advice on the study of jurisprudence An interactive glossary of key terms relating to legal theory Further reading, including links to full text journal articles Questions and answers Useful Web links to support learning
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一. 德沃金 【相關著作】《法律帝國》、《身披法袍的正義》、《認真對待權利》、《至上的美德》、《刺蝟的正義》 德沃金認為法律是一個完整的無縫隙(gapless)體係,因此所有的法律問題都有一個唯一正確的答案。這個體係中不僅包含規則(或者說哈特的承認規則是失效的),還包...
評分 評分淺議法理學的價值和使命 “法理學是無處不在的,它所關注的都是法律和法律體係無法逃避的特徵。但是,它遠不止於此。”著名的隱私保護理論權威、香港大學榮休教授雷濛德·瓦剋斯(Raymond Wacks)認為,法理學不僅涉及豐富的知識領域,還包含著大量的思想研究主題。而許多主題...
評分一. 德沃金 【相關著作】《法律帝國》、《身披法袍的正義》、《認真對待權利》、《至上的美德》、《刺蝟的正義》 德沃金認為法律是一個完整的無縫隙(gapless)體係,因此所有的法律問題都有一個唯一正確的答案。這個體係中不僅包含規則(或者說哈特的承認規則是失效的),還包...
評分廣西師範大學齣版社微店 本書的寫作過程不乏生趣,莉莉和威利常常透過書房的窗戶朝我張望。這些鴿子充滿靈性,它們極為好奇地盯著電腦屏幕上閃過的字符。而在花園深處,每當我坐下來進行校對時,那些大膽的母雞就會對已經修正的頁碼錶現齣同樣明顯的關注。一天下...
圖書標籤: 法理學 法律 法學 導論
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