徐小群 1982年畢業於上海師範學院曆史係本科。1985年取得華東師範大學曆史係碩士學位。同年鞦赴美國留學。1993年獲得哥倫比亞大學中國近現代史專業哲學博士學位。現任教於美國弗吉尼亞州剋利斯多夫•紐波特大學。
Xiaoqun Xu makes a compelling and original contribution to the study of China's modernization with this book on the rise of professional associations in Republican China in their birthplace of Shanghai, and of their political and socio-cultural milieu. This 2001 book is rich in detail about the key professional and political figures and organizations in Shanghai, filling an important gap in its social history. The professional associations were, as the author writes, 'unambiguously urban and modern in their origins and functions ...representing a new breed of educated Chinese' and they pioneered a new type of relationship with the state. Xu addresses a central issue in China studies, the relationship between state and society, and proposes an alternative to the Western-derived concept of civil society. This book illuminates the complexity of modernization and nationalism in twentieth-century China, and provides a concrete case for comparative studies of professionalization and class formation across cultures.
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評分獨立與依附之間搖擺——讀《民國時期的國傢與社會》 2011/4/25 腦海中一直有一個模糊的觀感,就是清末至民國時期(1895~1949),內憂外患,政治衰微,國傢權力處於數韆年來的最小狀態,那麼從國傢-社會視角來看社會,社會的自治能力應當遠勝於既往,亦應遠勝於49年建國後。 ...
圖書標籤: 海外中國研究 上海 近代史 社會史 近現代史 英文原版 政治學 t
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