Prasenjit Duara is chair of the department of history at the University of chicago. He is the author of Culture, Power, and the State: Rural North China, 1900-1942 and Sovereignty and Authentcity: Manchukuo and the East Asian Modern.
Prasenjit Duara offers the first systematic account of the relationship between the nation-state, nationalism, and the concept of linear history. Focusing primarily on China and including discussion of India, Duara argues that many historians of postcolonial nation-states have adopted a linear, evolutionary history of the Enlightenment/colonial model. As a result, they have written repressive, exclusionary, and incomplete accounts.
The backlash against such histories has resulted in a tendency to view the past as largely constructed, imagined, or invented. In this book, Duara offers a way out of the impasse between constructionism and the evolving nation; he redefines history as a series of multiple, often conflicting narratives produced simultaneously at national, local, and transnational levels. In a series of closely linked case studies, he considers such examples as the very different histories produced by Chinese nationalist reformers and partisans of popular religions, the conflicting narratives of statist nationalists and of advocates of federalism in early twentieth-century China. He demonstrates the necessity of incorporating contestation, appropriation, repression, and the return of the repressed subject into any account of the past that will be meaningful to the present. Duara demonstrates how to write histories that resist being pressed into the service of the national subject in its progress—or stalled progress—toward modernity.
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分享提綱: 1.近現代中國的救亡圖強與國傢政治話語的變遷:落後就要挨打——洋務運動——維新變法——反滿革命——現代民族國傢——之於工具理性的民主——聯省自治——中央集權的大一統國傢 2.對安德森《想象的共同體》一書的結論反思:中國曆史與現實語境下的民族主義——...
評分杜贊奇(Prasenjit Duara )是個有趣的漢學傢。他與其他漢學傢的不同點在於身份——與大多數齣身歐美或日本的漢學傢不同,他來自與中國近鄰,同樣被視作東方文化的代錶而又截然不同的印度。 印度之於中國,關係曆史悠久而又深遠,但兩種異質文化的互相打量卻又往往意味深長。然...
評分杜贊奇的傑作《從民族國傢拯救曆史》的前三章和後三章的畫風其實不太一樣。第七章與結論甚至有跑偏之嫌,事實上倒是吐露瞭作者著書的真實意圖。全書最費解的是第五章和第六章,其實第四章如果沒有中國秘密結社與革命政黨在中國近代史中的相關學術訓練背景,也很費解。 杜贊奇的...
圖書標籤: 曆史 杜贊奇 民族主義 海外中國研究 nationalism nation-state 海外漢學 政治
評分一本以後得進書單的書。Part 1啓發非常大,Part 2碰的都是大問題。【M: 20 Modernity--History (Mode)--Nation-State (Subject/Agency)】
評分很久以前讀不懂的書 現在看起來似乎很明白。。。到底是我老瞭 還是變聰明瞭。。。
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