S. M. Plokhy (Plokhii) is the Mykhailo Hrushevsky Professor of Ukrainian History at Harvard University. A leading authority on Eastern Europe, he has lived and taught in Ukraine, Canada and the United States. He has published extensively in English, Ukrainian and Russian. For three successive years (2002-2005) his books won first prize of the American Association for Ukrainian Studies. In the fall of 2009, he was honored with the Early Slavic Studies Association Distinguished Scholarship Award. He lives with his family in Arlington, Massachusetts.
Harvard historian Plokhy (Unmaking Imperial Russia) enhances his stature as a scholar of modern Russia in this convincing revisionist analysis of the February 1945 Yalta conference. Plokhy makes sophisticated use of Soviet sources to make a case that Yalta was anything but the diplomatic defeat for the West so often depicted in cold war literature. He describes Yalta in the context of a clash between different approaches to international relations. FDR was a liberal internationalist. Churchill and Stalin saw the world in terms of power and interests. And with the Red Army only 50 miles from Berlin, Stalin held the trump cards. Plokhy's detailed and highly engrossing narrative of the negotiations shows that the West did reasonably well. Roosevelt's agenda was global. He secured Stalin's commitment to join the war against Japan and participate in the U.N. Churchill, focused on Europe, preserved British interests in the Mediterranean. Stalin achieved recognition of the U.S.S.R.'s great-power status and a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. The Yalta agreement was not the first conflict of the cold war but just a step toward a cold war that emerged only after three more years of failed negotiations.
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全書近乎一半的篇幅,或者說三巨頭在雅爾塔所耗費的討價還價功夫的一半,是圍繞波蘭問題而展開。德國戰敗賠償,分割占領,戰犯懲治,世界其他地域瓜分與勢力範圍確認,對日作戰,乃至聯閤國構想,等等其他一切,都讓位於波蘭(當然不可避免涉及烏剋蘭)問題之後。 這是為什麼?...
評分立春的時候,分配開始瞭。 1945年2月4日,還有一天就是傳統節日的小年。臘月二十三,這個節日是先地主傢過,臘月二十四是窮人傢的小年,總統羅斯福,首相丘吉爾,元帥斯大林,在黑海海邊的雅爾塔開始瞭鬥地主。 手裏麵牌最好的是元帥,就在他來牌局之前,紅軍已經以不可阻擋之...
評分作者簡介: 沙希利•浦洛基,哈佛大學烏剋蘭史教授、哈佛烏剋蘭研究院院長。他生於俄羅斯,成長於烏剋蘭,專攻東歐思想、文化、國際關係史。浦洛基著有《大國的崩潰:蘇聯解體的颱前幕後》《歐洲之門:烏剋蘭2000年史》、《斯拉夫民族之起源》等十部專著。 內容簡介: 作者首先...
評分作者簡介: 沙希利•浦洛基,哈佛大學烏剋蘭史教授、哈佛烏剋蘭研究院院長。他生於俄羅斯,成長於烏剋蘭,專攻東歐思想、文化、國際關係史。浦洛基著有《大國的崩潰:蘇聯解體的颱前幕後》《歐洲之門:烏剋蘭2000年史》、《斯拉夫民族之起源》等十部專著。 內容簡介: 作者首先...
圖書標籤: 近代史 國際政治 二戰 Yalta English 羅斯福 民國史 歐洲
2012年spring semester上the world after 1945的時候老師要求看的書,字很小密密麻麻,看的我有點痛苦,不過內容還行。
評分冷戰的開端。 政客個人誌嚮和原則的衝突,達成的妥協以及對他人利益的犧牲。 波蘭,東歐和中國的悲劇的起源之一。
評分冷戰的開端。 政客個人誌嚮和原則的衝突,達成的妥協以及對他人利益的犧牲。 波蘭,東歐和中國的悲劇的起源之一。
評分冷戰的開端。 政客個人誌嚮和原則的衝突,達成的妥協以及對他人利益的犧牲。 波蘭,東歐和中國的悲劇的起源之一。
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