查尔斯·埃利斯,他在自己创立的Greenwich Associate国际咨询事务所中担任了30年的董事合伙人并且为世界上几乎所有的一流金融服务机构提供过咨询服务。他曾是耶鲁大学投资委员会主席和受托人、罗伯特伍德约翰逊基金会受托人、领航投资的董事、怀特黑德生物化学研究院的主席,并为亚洲、欧洲和北美的主要机构提供投资咨询服务。他著有14本著作,包括:在《失败者游戏中取胜》和《乔威尔逊传记》。
The Partnership 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分这又是一本索然无味的传记式的书籍,我不懂通过阅读了高盛的历史我能学到什么?每个时代的大舞台都需要一些专门的人上去唱戏。永远是时势造英雄,而不是英雄造时势。 合伙人制度这种扁平化的管理模式优劣都很明显,在创业初期的时候的确可以实现快速发展。但是高级合伙人带团队...
评分这又是一本索然无味的传记式的书籍,我不懂通过阅读了高盛的历史我能学到什么?每个时代的大舞台都需要一些专门的人上去唱戏。永远是时势造英雄,而不是英雄造时势。 合伙人制度这种扁平化的管理模式优劣都很明显,在创业初期的时候的确可以实现快速发展。但是高级合伙人带团队...
图书标签: 金融 商業 goldman CharlesD.Ellis English 英文原版 投资 sachs
The inside story of one of the world's most powerful financial Institutions
Now with a new foreword and final chapter, The Partnership chronicles the most important periods in Goldman Sachs's history and the individuals who built one of the world's largest investment banks. Charles D. Ellis, who worked as a strategy consultant to Goldman Sachs for more than thirty years, reveals the secrets behind the firm's continued success through many life-threatening changes. Disgraced and nearly destroyed in 1929, Goldman Sachs limped along as a break-even operation through the Depression and WWII. But with only one special service and one improbable banker, it began the stage-by-stage rise that took the firm to global leadership, even in the face of the world-wide credit crisis.
The Partnership 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书