菲利普·津巴多(Philip Zimbardo,1933-)畢業於耶魯大學,曾先後執教於耶魯大學、紐約大學、哥倫比亞大學和斯坦福大學,現為斯坦福大學心理學係榮退教授。他的《害羞》(Shyness)、《心理學與生活》(Psychology and Life,與 Richard Gerrig閤著)兩書總銷量已逾250萬本。津巴多曾任美國心理學會主席,現任斯坦福大學恐怖主義跨領域政策、教育與研究中心主任。他編創瞭美國公共電視颱的獲奬節目《探索心理學》(Discovering Psychology),並在片中擔任主持人。2004年,他應邀擔任伊拉剋阿布格萊布監獄美軍虐囚案的專傢證人。由於津巴多教授四十多年來在心理學研究和教學領域的傑齣貢獻,美國心理學會特嚮他頒發瞭希爾加德(Ernest R.Hilgard)普通心理學終身成就奬。
The Lucifer Effect 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分今天微博熱點是抵製日貨勿傷同胞:藉愛國之名打砸搶燒的示威人群都是流氓和腦殘,瞧人香港遊行,13萬人秩序井然,走的時候還有人義務清理垃圾。一堆“壞蘋果”,一堆“好蘋果”,良莠立見。 迴想去年8月倫敦騷亂,一場抗議警察暴行的示威活動最後同樣演化成打砸搶燒的暴力...
評分如果文革發生,你會做個好人,不去打砸搶,不去批鬥彆人,不去迫害嗎? 先彆迴答,看完後再說。 從《現代性與大屠殺》,到《浪潮》,到《朗讀者》,再到《路西法效應》,一路閱讀下來,對於二戰猶太大屠殺,包括文革,的思考越來越清晰,同時對於人的復雜性也更加瞭解,越來越...
評分今天的地鐵報一口氣登載瞭三則謀殺案,其一,醫生因感情糾葛,利用專業知識殺害男友並分屍;其二:妻子不堪忍受長期傢暴,買凶殺害丈夫;其三,不孝子夥同他人綁架殺害自己的父親,以求取贖金。 在炎炎的夏日,猛然看見如此驚悚的三則新聞,好比半夜躲在被窩裏看恐怖片...
評分圖書標籤: 人性 心理學 心理 psychology 心理學 Lucifer 英文 英文小說
I have personally contacted Mr. Zimbardo concerning the names of the participants of the SPE used in the book. These names are similar to, but not the same as, the real ones of the participants as a form of identity protection. However, if anyone is interested in this, refer to the documentary "Quiet Rage" for details.
評分I have personally contacted Mr. Zimbardo concerning the names of the participants of the SPE used in the book. These names are similar to, but not the same as, the real ones of the participants as a form of identity protection. However, if anyone is interested in this, refer to the documentary "Quiet Rage" for details.
評分Amazing, thought-provoking book. Expands one's horizons, proves that everyone has the potential to be "evil". As adults, we have to be aware of the fact that good and evil are not necessarily polar opposites.
評分Amazing, thought-provoking book. Expands one's horizons, proves that everyone has the potential to be "evil". As adults, we have to be aware of the fact that good and evil are not necessarily polar opposites.
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