Someone Like You 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: RoaldDahl 英文原版 小说 英文 悬疑 反转 英文原版--stortstories° 短篇集
These eighteen tales of the macabre show Dahl's dark brilliance as a short-story writer. They are wicked (as an old man attracts the attentions of those more interested in his skin than his wellbeing), shocking (as distasteful bets are made - a daughter's hand on the identity of a glass of claret, a finger risked for a Cadillac) and blackly humorous (as a cuckolded husband receives a chance to take his revenge out on his wife's neck). "Someone Like You" is as devilishly ingenious and suspenseful as writing gets.
65' 有点黑暗的童话 质量真好
评分18个故事的短篇集,大部分发表于40年代末50年代初,几乎称不上推理(不明白为啥会被日本人列入东西推理best),而是黑色荒诞恐怖幽默脑洞大开超现实的混合大杂烩.罗尔德最出名的是他的童话,如《查理和巧克力工厂》,但没想到他的成人作品也是这么优秀.你可以非常迅速的融入故事,但几乎无法猜中甚至预测后面的发展走向,因为作者的想象力还真是天马行空,一些细节的描写极为细致真实,给人一种强烈的“身临其境感”,节奏的把握也是张弛有度,让人不得不佩服.我个人最喜欢的是《The Sound Machine》、《Skin》和《Taste》这三篇.特别是第一个,印象中看过类似的新闻报道,当时就感觉很震惊,难道真的是真的么?总体而言,推荐阅读
评分Roald Dahl 对人物表情动作的描写真的hin厉害和细致,每一篇看的都心跳加速。这种黑暗童话恶趣味完全投我所好...恶心想吐残忍奇葩又可怕 结局各种反转....最后一篇小心脏真的慎看...推荐❤️
评分跟童话相比,成人故事才是 Roald Dahl 的真身啊。
Someone Like You 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书