These eighteen tales of the macabre show Dahl's dark brilliance as a short-story writer. They are wicked (as an old man attracts the attentions of those more interested in his skin than his wellbeing), shocking (as distasteful bets are made - a daughter's hand on the identity of a glass of claret, a finger risked for a Cadillac) and blackly humorous (as a cuckolded husband receives a chance to take his revenge out on his wife's neck). "Someone Like You" is as devilishly ingenious and suspenseful as writing gets.
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圖書標籤: RoaldDahl 英文原版 小說 英文 懸疑 反轉 英文原版--stortstories° 短篇集
評分跟童話相比,成人故事纔是 Roald Dahl 的真身啊。
評分很意外好看的短篇小說閤集.風格非常特彆,另類的惡趣味.有欺詐,謀殺,剁手指,精神病,又或者報復,偷情,或者奇葩的“發明傢”…每個小故事的主題開始得讓你毫無防備,發展地更加無可預測,主題本身讓你瞠目結舌竟然能想齣這種橋段,結局卻更加殺你措手不及.有一些來個意想不到的反轉,有一些卻是意味深長的嘎然而止.但也要善意提醒小心髒的朋友不適宜閱讀,特彆是Claud's Dog的最後一篇.嬉皮輕快的文字其實卻很殘忍.Roald Dahl雖說是寫兒童小說著名,但他的成人故事卻仍然讓人讀來心有餘悸贊嘆不已.除瞭佩服還是佩服,難怪被譽為“1945年以來最偉大的英國作傢之一”,難怪Wales有個廣場都要以他命名.如此聲名顯赫的作者我竟然全然不知真是失敬.幸好偶然機會遇到這本書,簡直打開閱讀認知新大門.
評分65' 有點黑暗的童話 質量真好
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