What I notice is that people feel very comfortable coming up to me and talking. It's the greatest compliment in the world. They perceive that I'm user-friendly, approachable, and accessible, and they're absolutely correct," says Tim Gunn to The Boston Globe, and millions of armchair fashionistas couldn't agree more. Tim is adored by the masses-both Project Runway fans and non-watchers-for just being himself, and now, he offers a simple, accessible guidebook to help readers navigate all aspects of life. With his friendly, conversational tone-and peppered with his trademark colorful metaphors-Tim Gunn deftly puts his signature catchphrase into practice beyond the runway or fashion showroom. He dishes out frank, witty, and practical advice in a way that gives readers the feeling of a face-to-face encounter. Just as foundation undergarments are key to a great outfit, Gunn's Golden Rules provide the groundwork for finding success and happiness-and becoming the best "you" possible.
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什麼形象管理,分明就是自傳加爆料。 之所以推薦是因為此書讓我信心爆棚。想不到我原來是這等有格調的人,把一乾明星名流落下足足兩個世紀。 更讓我安心的是,即便是時尚教父也有種種心理問題,看著他的糾結就像看見瞭自己,我覺得我還是有希望的。 我喜歡這個老頭,如果他沒有...
評分一、讀書筆記部分: 他一直懷疑酒鬼父親與美國總統鬍佛有染(其父親曾為鬍佛私人秘書) 他有一個喜歡躲在廁所窺視父親機密文件的母親(其父親曾為中央情報局高管) 他年輕的時候被自己深愛的男人重傷,從此從同性戀變成瞭無性戀 他和老佛爺卡爾•拉格斐一樣,是一個擁有滿頭...
評分一、讀書筆記部分: 他一直懷疑酒鬼父親與美國總統鬍佛有染(其父親曾為鬍佛私人秘書) 他有一個喜歡躲在廁所窺視父親機密文件的母親(其父親曾為中央情報局高管) 他年輕的時候被自己深愛的男人重傷,從此從同性戀變成瞭無性戀 他和老佛爺卡爾•拉格斐一樣,是一個擁有滿頭...
評分讀完此書,我真有些納悶:或許是我真的孤陋寡聞,否則我實在想不齣,這樣一本專注於講品德細節的書,怎麼跟時尚扯得上關係。 作者使用的一個個段落標題,仔細看,其實都是在講品德。誠然,這的確是個崇尚快速有效成功,而唾棄深厚優秀品德培陽的時代。書的快餐文化裏,更多的再...
圖書標籤: TimGunn Fashion Fashion&Art&Architecture 英文原版 禮儀 生活 fashion 英文
評分nice但是又個性比較強的人容易矛盾,hoho。不過衝他這麼重視being nice這一點,我也覺得很值得推薦。書還不錯,但是5星我不太捨得給。
評分比較基本,很苦口婆心。同意這段話 "One of the things I love about New York City is how much people dress up for one another. Yes, it probably took them more than five minute to get ready, but it was so worth it. They make the city a prettier place."
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