The Tipping Point,《引爆點》
In this wide-ranging third installment of Malcolm Gladwell's exploration of how people and social phenomena work, the New Yorker journalist takes a close look at what constitutes high levels of success. That is, what makes people at the top of their respective fields get there? As we've come to expect from Gladwell's previous books, the answer to the question is a bit complicated.
He says that upbringing, culture and even random luck have something to with success, but there is another important quality that anyone can control. Two chapters are dedicated to the "revelation" that IQ is only a baseline quality and success has little to nothing to do with having a high IQ or a low IQ. Rather, success is substantially a product of cultivating a high degree of what Robert Sternberg calls "practical intelligence" or what most refer to as "emotional intelligence."
Gladwell uses the example of Nobel laureates coming from unknown schools as often as ivy league schools. At this level of mastery IQ is no longer a factor. Success has little to do with where you were educated and everything to do with your level of practical/emotional intelligence and willingness to put in the 10,000 hours of practice required to reach mastery of your field.
All in all, it's an interesting read that isn't too heady and goes by pretty quickly, as the interesting anecdotes are what you would expect from Gladwell.
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這是一本引人入勝的書,吸引人之處不僅在於作者揭示的一個個鮮為人知的道理,更在於作者的思維方式。作者分析那些公認的天纔們所擁有的機遇,以及飛機失事的原因時,抽絲剝繭,層層深入,直指要害,令人摺服。 從錶麵上看,作者把成功的因素歸於兩點:機遇和文化傳承,但作者真...
評分Outliers: The Story of Success 藉來一套語音版的 Outliers 聽完瞭。這本書裏有很多故事,可是希望藉此找到成功的奧秘恐怕很難,作者做的是一描述而不是預見。聽瞭半天,隻聽齣瞭六個字: “天時地利人和”。 比如比爾·蓋茨,他之所以打造齣一個這麼龐大的帝國來,一是...
評分一般談到成功,就有人要語重心長教育你,要努力,要勤奮,要奮鬥,大緻就是這個意思,如果情商再高一點的說法就是努力未必成功,不努力肯定不成功,這有沒有錯? 沒錯,但馬爾科姆·格拉威德爾(就是寫那本《引爆點》和《決斷兩秒間》的作者)想告訴你,成功需要10000個小時的...
評分這是一本研究如何成功的書,分析瞭成功的背後那些常被人忽略的因素,具體分析瞭這些因素是如何發揮作用的。 書分兩大部分。第一部分講機遇,說明機遇在人的成功中起到的決定性作用,這些機遇包括時代的、社會轉型和傢庭環境等方麵。第二部分講文化傳承對人的影響,分析瞭不同...
評分馬普托卡多索酒店旁邊有個咖啡館,就在山頂上麵對著大海和馬普托河。海邊不時有大輪船拉著汽笛經過。下午和兩個同事坐在咖啡館前大樹下看書,要上一瓶tonic水躺在長椅上,周圍小孩子跑來跑去。就在那裏我讀完瞭這本書,期間一直保持著愉快的心情。 開車迴kaya k...
圖書標籤: 成功 思維 心理學 社會學 MalcolmGladwell 英文原版 社會科學 心智
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