英國著名編劇、暢銷書作傢。生於1966年,大學畢業後從事音樂劇編輯、演員,後專事寫作。小說處女作Starter for Ten名列2004年“理查與茱蒂”俱樂部選書第一名,2006年改編為電影。
'I can imagine you at forty,' she said, a hint of malice in her voice. 'I can picture it right now.' He smiled without opening his eyes. 'Go on then.' 15th July 1988. Emma and Dexter meet for the first time on the night of their graduation. Tomorrow they must go their separate ways. So where will they be on this one day next year? And the year after that? And every year that follows? Twenty years, two people, ONE DAY. From the author of the massive bestseller STARTER FOR TEN.
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很多年之後,隻要看到愛情題材的電影總是會淚流滿麵,為什麼人總是在失去之後纔懂得擁有時的美好?我現在單身,隻想找一個最最普通的男人嫁掉,生一個健康的寶寶,然後一傢人在春天晴朗的上午一起去野外郊遊。 曾經一度,我可以毫無羞恥的說為瞭麵包拋棄瞭愛情,不是因為已經找...
評分我承認我被電影裏帥的不食人間煙火的Dex弄的失眠,看完電影滿床打滾被朋朋翻白眼,好不容易找到原書走路的時候都舉著kindle,眼睛都不眨直到把書讀完。 很沒骨氣也很沒誌氣。 普通Slide一般的電影設置辜負瞭海報給我的驚艷。我早就想好,如果能自己DIY房間牆紙,就一定要平鋪...
評分 評分1 兩個人相互喜歡也不是那麼容易就能在一起,有時候得等雙方都整理好各自的人生。至於兩個人都準備好的時候是不是來得太晚就不得而知瞭,得之我幸失之我命。反正這就是你必須接受的現實。 2 一生中遇見無數個對象是必然的,珍惜過一些,捨棄過一些,糾結過一些,懷念過一些。...
評分“There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six o’clock-kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think? I think love is a touch and yet not a touch.” (有人認為愛是性,是婚姻,是清晨六點的吻,是一堆孩...
圖書標籤: 愛情 DavidNicholls 小說 外國文學 英文原版 英國 英文小說 原版書
One day is too short to describe all things that happened in a year, but long enough to link 20 years together and to tell their story. Every question is answered as a chapter finishes but everything is reset again when you start another. The answer is always, love. 讓生活更完整的一本書。
評分邊看邊劃句子 很多愛丁堡的生活細節都在裏麵 讓我覺得特彆親切 小說結束瞭我覺得特彆不捨得Em&Dex
評分比電影好看。哎。"He's a better person when she is around, and isn't that what friends are for, to raise you up and keep you at your best? Emma is his talisman, his lucky charm."
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