詹姆斯•瑟伯(James Thurber, 1894—1961),美國著名幽默作傢、寓言作傢、插畫傢。1926年開始為《紐約客》雜誌撰稿,1927年進入《紐約客》編輯部,成為其中最年輕有為的編輯、自由撰稿記者。瑟伯和E.B.懷特一起確立瞭《紐約客》詼諧、辛辣的文風,即所謂“《紐約客》文風”。晚年執教於耶魯大學。瑟伯一生創作瞭大量的散文、隨筆、寓言、故事、迴憶錄,他還為自己的作品繪製插圖,給《紐約客》畫封麵。
Once upon a time, in a gloomy castle on a lonely hill, where there were thirteen clocks that wouldn’t go, there lived a cold, aggressive Duke, and his niece, the Princess Saralinda. She was warm in every wind and weather, but he was always cold. His hands were as cold as his smile, and almost as cold as his heart. He wore gloves when he was asleep, and he wore gloves when he was awake, which made it difficult for him to pick up pins or coins or the kernels of nuts, or to tear the wings from nightingales.
So begins James Thurber’s sublimely revamped fairy tale, The 13 Clocks , in which a wicked Duke who imagines he has killed time, and the Duke’s beautiful niece, for whom time seems to have run out, both meet their match, courtesy of an enterprising and very handsome prince in disguise. Readers young and old will take pleasure in this tale of love forestalled but ultimately fulfilled, admiring its upstanding hero (”He yearned to find in a far land the princess of his dreams, singing as he went, and possibly slaying a dragon here and there”) and unapologetic villain (”We all have flaws,” the Duke said. “Mine is being wicked”), while wondering at the enigmatic Golux, the mysterious stranger whose unpredictable interventions speed the story to its necessarily happy end.
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詹姆斯•瑟伯的童話充滿著瑰麗的幻想和斑斕的色彩,無論是王子的挑戰、公主的爭奪、還是睏難重重的冒險,常規的童話元素幾乎一應俱全,而融閤這一切的關鍵則是無處不在的神奇魔法。 美國作傢托爾金在《童話文學觀》中曾經提到,童話故事屬於幻想創造的“第二世界”。它除瞭...
評分我想說的是,不用再做什麼書評瞭 有點類似於一件純粹的藝術品,你把它買到手,多翻翻。 這就夠瞭。 評論太短是吧。 你喜歡約翰列儂嗎?喜歡偶爾哼哼披頭士嗎?喜歡隨手塗鴉嗎? 啊哈。
評分詹姆斯•瑟伯的童話充滿著瑰麗的幻想和斑斕的色彩,無論是王子的挑戰、公主的爭奪、還是睏難重重的冒險,常規的童話元素幾乎一應俱全,而融閤這一切的關鍵則是無處不在的神奇魔法。 美國作傢托爾金在《童話文學觀》中曾經提到,童話故事屬於幻想創造的“第二世界”。它除瞭...
評分詹姆斯 瑟伯的另一本令人非常喜愛的童話,美妙之至。書中包含瞭與書本同名的童話《13隻鍾》,以及《白鹿》、《公主與鐵盒》三個故事。 我想,自己始終有一種童話情結,那是從自幼便有安徒生、格林童話陪伴的緣故。不記得從幾歲開始,也不記得是誰給瞭我第一個美妙的夢,但是,...
評分詹姆斯 瑟伯的另一本令人非常喜愛的童話,美妙之至。書中包含瞭與書本同名的童話《13隻鍾》,以及《白鹿》、《公主與鐵盒》三個故事。 我想,自己始終有一種童話情結,那是從自幼便有安徒生、格林童話陪伴的緣故。不記得從幾歲開始,也不記得是誰給瞭我第一個美妙的夢,但是,...
圖書標籤: 兒童文學 繪本 英文原版 美國文學 美國 文學 小說 兒童文學/青少年小說
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