朱莉娅•斯图亚特(Julia Stuart),英国新生代畅销作家、记者。在校学习法语、西班牙语和新闻学,曾赴法国与西班牙教授英语,并在新闻界打拼多年,1999年获得国际特赦组织英国媒体奖期刊类奖(Amnesty International UK Media Awards)。
The Matchmaker of Perigord 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
作者的文笔很棒。译者的水准也很高。阅读此书,仿佛自己也进入了南法小村落的生活圈中。甚至有去到那里,真正接触那里的人与物的渴望!感受到真正切切的温暖。热爱生活之人散发给读者的温暖~~~ 一些小处的描写,则让人忍俊不止。 比如,那只鸡。哈哈!媒人与之斗智斗勇,却总...
评分by 谷立立 有这样一类作家天生与社会无关,不但无意鞭挞时政,还常常流连在甜美的故事之中乐而忘返,笔下甚至连一点必要的现实色彩都没有。有这样一类小说天生就不需为现实的社会民生负责、呐喊,作家只需用最美好的想象补上缺口,就像玩拼图游戏一样,把残缺的碎片拼成一...
评分很轻松有意思的书,一开始因为外国名字很困乱,看的晕头转向。但把人物谱写出来,发现镇上村民之间的关系,读起来趣味横生啦~~ 有错误请指正~~~ 纪尧姆•拉杜塞特 主人公 A 艾米莉•弗汉斯 纪尧姆初恋 D 迪迭•拉皮埃尔 木匠 德尼丝•威吉尔 杂货店...
评分虽然严格意义上来讲,《佩里戈尔的媒人》才是朱莉娅•斯图亚特的成名作,但由于在中国大陆的出版时间晚于《伦敦塔集雨人》,倒是因为读了后者才对《媒人》充满期待。 很有趣的是,一位英国作家的成名作竟是一部以法国为背景的小说,而在中国大陆,这一点点小小的bug似乎得以...
评分by 谷立立 有这样一类作家天生与社会无关,不但无意鞭挞时政,还常常流连在甜美的故事之中乐而忘返,笔下甚至连一点必要的现实色彩都没有。有这样一类小说天生就不需为现实的社会民生负责、呐喊,作家只需用最美好的想象补上缺口,就像玩拼图游戏一样,把残缺的碎片拼成一...
Barber Guillaume Ladoucette has always enjoyed great success in his tiny village in southwestern France, catering to the tonsorial needs of Amour-sur-Belle's thirty-three inhabitants. But times have changed. His customers have grown older--and balder. Suddenly there is no longer a call for Guillaume's particular services, and he is forced to make a drastic career change. Since love and companionship are necessary commodities at any age, he becomes Amour-sur-Belle's official matchmaker and intends to unite hearts as ably as he once cut hair. But alas, Guillaume is not nearly as accomplished an agent of amour, as the disastrous results of his initial attempts amply prove, especially when it comes to arranging his own romantic future. For every reader who adored "Chocolat," Julia Stuart's "The Matchmaker of Perigord" is a delectable, utterly enchanting, and sinfully satisfying delight.
The Matchmaker of Perigord 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书