Alexis de Tocqueville was born in 1805 to a noble French family that had survived the French Revolution. His father gained some political power under the reign of the Bourbons, and after the July Revolution of 1830, the family was exiled along with the king. Tocqueville, then twenty-five years old, stayed in France, swearing allegiance to the new government. Shortly thereafter he and a friend, Gustave de Beaumont, sought and received a government assignment to study the prison system of the United States. They arrived in America in 1831. After extensive travels across the young nation, Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America (published in two volumes in 1835 and 1840). The publication of the first volume made Tocqueville a well-known figure, but he led a quiet life, accepting modest governmental posts, traveling around Europe, and marrying an Englishwoman. In 1848, Tocqueville once again rose to political prominence after a prescient speech that foretold of revolution. After serving through the massive upheavals and overthrows of government, Tocqueville retired from political life in 1849. Always weak in health, his lung disease grew progressively worse from that period on. Moving south several times on doctor’s recommendations, Tocqueville succumbed to death in 1859, in Cannes.
Ancien Regime and the French Revolution 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一部书可以成为传世名著,其根本原因在于它其中蕴涵着一些同普遍人性相关的东西,可以超越时间地点,乃至民族文化。《旧制度与大革命》,恰恰就是这样一本书。 托克维尔是我非常尊敬的一位作家,他的另一本《论美国的民主》,也令我受益匪浅。贵族出身,又参与法国大革命和美国...
评分托克维尔在《旧制度与大革命》写道,在18世纪中叶,由于社会根本没有政治自由,文人不仅对政界知之甚少,而且视而不见。他们在政界无所作为,甚至也看不到他人的所作所为。 接着他比较了英法两国的政治传统:在英国,研究治国之道的文人和统治国家的人是混合在一起的,一些人...
评分一部书可以成为传世名著,其根本原因在于它其中蕴涵着一些同普遍人性相关的东西,可以超越时间地点,乃至民族文化。《旧制度与大革命》,恰恰就是这样一本书。 托克维尔是我非常尊敬的一位作家,他的另一本《论美国的民主》,也令我受益匪浅。贵族出身,又参与法国大革命和美国...
评分文/端宏斌 故事要从一则微博说起,著名经济学家华生在几个月前发了一条微博: “去海里见老领导,被推荐读本书,托克维尔的《旧制度与大革命》。他认为中国这样在世界上举足轻重的大国,从历史上看也好,今天的外部环境也好,现代化转型不会那么顺利。中国人自己的代...
评分前言 这篇前言主要说的一个问题,即专制与个人道德,尤其是公共道德的问题。专制推动狭隘的个人主义,使人们彼此隔绝,专制与平等的结合,将使心灵与精神的普遍水准不断下降,而只有自由才能造就伟大的公民 第一编 第一章 大革命爆发之际,人们对它的评论歧异 大革命爆发之前...
图书标签: 法国 托克维尔 Politics History 政治 历史 经典 政治哲学
A powerful new translation of de Tocqueville’s influential look at the origins of modern France
In this penetrating study, Alexis de Tocqueville considers the French Revolution in the context of France’s history. de Tocqueville worried that although the revolutionary spirit was still alive and well, liberty was no longer its primary objective. Just as the first Republic had fallen to Napoleon and the second had succumbed to his nephew Napoleon III, he feared that all future revolutions might experience the same fate, forever imperiling the development of democracy in France.
评分'”不惜一切代价发财致富的欲望、对商业的嗜好、对物质利益和享受的追求,便成为最普通的感情这种感情轻而易举地散布在所有借机之中,甚至深入到一向与此无缘的阶级中,如果不加以阻止,它很快便会使整个民族萎靡堕落“' It's English ebook is available
评分'”不惜一切代价发财致富的欲望、对商业的嗜好、对物质利益和享受的追求,便成为最普通的感情这种感情轻而易举地散布在所有借机之中,甚至深入到一向与此无缘的阶级中,如果不加以阻止,它很快便会使整个民族萎靡堕落“' It's English ebook is available
Ancien Regime and the French Revolution 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书