Communication as Culture, Revised Edition 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
詹姆斯·凯瑞是美国文化研究的主要代表人物,他的传播"仪式观"的提出,为美国传播学的研究开辟了新的路径。 詹姆斯凯瑞的传播学研究开始于20世纪50年代,当时正是拉扎斯菲尔德开创的效果研究模式盛行的时候,当时主流的传播研究一直是在"传递观"中书写的,美国经验学派的传播学研...
评分 评分这个讲传播的传递观和仪式观,从文化的角度思考传播,传播不是信息而是戏剧。。。很棒。寇德瑞已经出版,继续。虽然已经不是一回事。“媒介仪式是围绕主要媒介及其相关领域所组织的活动,这些活动的开展使得‘媒介是人们通向社会中心的接入点’这一隐藏在传播过程中的价值观念...
评分丁未译,中国人民大学出版社,2019年。 序一: P5 生命是一场交谈。当我们进入时,交谈已在进行,我们只取一瓢;在交谈还没结束时,我们却已退场。 P6 想要理解社会秩序的来源与特征,就有必要从反思人类如何思考、制造符号并由此建构出共享的符号规则开始。 利用符号以建构一...
图书标签: communication culture 新闻传播(媒介) 传播学 美国 二〇一八 E
In this classic text, James W. Carey maintains that communication is not merely the transmission of information; reminding the reader of the link between the words 'communication' and 'community', he broadens his definition to include the drawing - together of a people that is culture. In this context, Carey questions the American tradition of focusing only on mass communication's function as a means of social and political control, and makes a case for examining the content of a communication - the meaning of symbols, not only the motives that originate them or the purposes they serve.He seeks to recast the goal of communication studies, replacing the search for deterministic laws of behavior with a simpler, yet far more challenging mission: 'to enlarge the human conversation by comprehending what others are saying'. This new edition includes a new critical foreword by G. Stuart Adam that explains Carey's fundamental role in transforming the study of mass communication to include a cultural perspective and connects his classic essays with contemporary media issues and trends. This edition also adds a new, complete bibliography of all of Carey's writings.
only finish the chapter 7 about the history of future, this essay provide so many examples about futurism and futurists and finally give a result: this is no future. it is a great essay help me understand the futurism through historical and critical perspectives.
评分对照阅读,未来的历史那篇没读。或因论文成书,Carey在每篇文章中的论述都不够彻底、深入,有些地方逻辑性不强。转笔也太快,不够扎实。例如,论述commodity fetish那部分,突然in particular然后说马克思的商品拜物是在去市场的语境中的,略脱线。这样让读者摸不着头脑的地方还蛮多的。比较像讲稿。
评分打四星,因为觉得作者没有考虑到非英语母语学生的阅读感受……累死我了(T ^ T)
Communication as Culture, Revised Edition 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书