David Suisman is Associate Professor of History at the University of Delaware.
From Tin Pan Alley to grand opera, player-pianos to phonograph records, David Suisman's "Selling Sounds" explores the rise of music as big business and the creation of a radically new musical culture. Around the turn of the twentieth century, music entrepreneurs laid the foundation for today's vast industry, with new products, technologies, and commercial strategies to incorporate music into the daily rhythm of modern life. Popular songs filled the air with a new kind of musical pleasure, phonographs brought opera into the parlor, and celebrity performers like Enrico Caruso captivated the imagination of consumers from coast to coast. "Selling Sounds" uncovers the origins of the culture industry in music and chronicles how music ignited an auditory explosion that penetrated all aspects of society. It maps the growth of the music business across the social landscape - in homes, theaters, department stores, schools - and analyzes the effect of this development on everything from copyright law to the sensory environment. While music came to resemble other consumer goods, its distinct properties as sound ensured that its commercial growth and social impact would remain unique. Today, the music that surrounds us - from iPods to ring tones to Muzak - accompanies us everywhere from airports to grocery stores. The roots of this modern culture lie in the business of popular song, player-pianos, and phonographs of a century ago. Provocative, original, and lucidly written, "Selling Sounds" reveals the commercial architecture of America's musical life.
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作為一個五音不全的人,這並不能阻礙我對音樂的熱愛,邊看書邊聽歌就是最享受的事,時不時還喜歡跟著哼哼幾聲,而相比當下十分流行的歌麯,我更愛琅琅上口的老歌。 此書以“販賣音樂”為名,著實吸人眼球,加上封麵特意做舊的設計感,古樸的留聲機傳遞著動人的音樂,一...
評分作為一個五音不全的人,這並不能阻礙我對音樂的熱愛,邊看書邊聽歌就是最享受的事,時不時還喜歡跟著哼哼幾聲,而相比當下十分流行的歌麯,我更愛琅琅上口的老歌。 此書以“販賣音樂”為名,著實吸人眼球,加上封麵特意做舊的設計感,古樸的留聲機傳遞著動人的音樂,一...
評分用希臘數字串聯成的17頁,是我迄今為止看過最長的序言,而重要的不是這總共17頁的字符,而是我並沒看齣它是一篇序言,這徐徐道來更像是在跟我說一個人的生平、一個故事。 “歌麯在唱之前是什麼樣子的呢?”作者提到瞭流行音樂的演變,從一開始指嚮本土的音樂,即産生在生活中,...
評分本書介紹瞭現代流行樂的前世今生,從流行樂産生的時代背景,科技技術,社會影響等方麵進行瞭闡述。 時代及商業背景。隨著工業時代進程,工業生産也進入瞭音樂領域,把原來和的嚴肅音樂商業化,從而被更多普通人接受。同時叮砰巷也形成瞭一套商業套路,來快速的製造流行樂這一商...
圖書標籤: 音樂 藝術與音樂 美國 商業 曆史 musicology SHL 商業與金融
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