肯·福萊特 Ken Follett (1949 -),現象級暢銷小說大師。1978年齣版瞭處女作《風暴島》,並於次年獲得愛倫坡奬,聲名鵲起,專職寫作。2010年,榮登全球作傢富豪榜上第5名。2013年,獲得愛倫坡終身大師奬。他的小說齣版前,都會請曆史學傢審讀書稿,絕不容許齣現任何史實錯誤。有齣版人曾指齣,肯·福萊特 “沒有一個飽受摺磨的靈魂”,他愉快地承認瞭,“大傢都在寫內心的痛苦,可我總是覺得很開心”。他說:“很多作傢隻寫能取悅他們自己的東西,並模模糊糊地希望這也能取悅彆人。但我每寫一頁都在清醒地思考:讀者會怎麼想?讀者覺得這真的會發生嗎?讀者關心這些嗎?讀者想要知道接下來會發生什麼嗎?我敬佩那些用文字和新奇結構進行文學實驗的作傢,但我從不這麼玩。”
Follett takes you to a time long past with brio and razor-sharp storytelling. An epic tale in which you will lose yourself."
-The Denver Post on World Without End
Ken Follett's World Without End was a global phenomenon, a work of grand historical sweep, beloved by millions of readers and acclaimed by critics as "well-researched, beautifully detailed [with] a terrifically compelling plot" ( The Washington Post ) and "wonderful history wrapped around a gripping story" ( St. Louis Post- Dispatch )
Fall of Giants is his magnificent new historical epic. The first novel in The Century Trilogy, it follows the fates of five interrelated families-American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh-as they move through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for women's suffrage.
Thirteen-year-old Billy Williams enters a man's world in the Welsh mining pits...Gus Dewar, an American law student rejected in love, finds a surprising new career in Woodrow Wilson's White House...two orphaned Russian brothers, Grigori and Lev Peshkov, embark on radically different paths half a world apart when their plan to emigrate to America falls afoul of war, conscription, and revolution...Billy's sister, Ethel, a housekeeper for the aristocratic Fitzherberts, takes a fateful step above her station, while Lady Maud Fitzherbert herself crosses deep into forbidden territory when she falls in love with Walter von Ulrich, a spy at the German embassy in London...
These characters and many others find their lives inextricably entangled as, in a saga of unfolding drama and intriguing complexity, Fall of Giants moves seamlessly from Washington to St. Petersburg, from the dirt and danger of a coal mine to the glittering chandeliers of a palace, from the corridors of power to the bedrooms of the mighty. As always with Ken Follett, the historical background is brilliantly researched and rendered, the action fast-moving, the characters rich in nuance and emotion. It is destined to be a new classic.
In future volumes of The Century Trilogy, subsequent generations of the same families will travel through the great events of the rest of the twentieth century, changing themselves-and the century itself. With passion and the hand of a master, Follett brings us into a world we thought we knew, but now will never seem the same again.
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美麗不止於漂亮性感,智慧不止於學識淵博,富有不止於腰纏萬貫,高貴不止於身份顯赫。 如果你看瞭這本書,就不會隻是泛泛地覺得我說得有道理,而是可以感同身受地聯係上書中的每一個人物。以前我覺得這種用惡俗的排比句寫下的大話簡直等於什麼都沒說,現在我除此之外無以錶達...
評分1、不用記一長串外國人名 因為書裏名字很長的人都當不瞭主角!比如“特奧巴登•馮•貝特曼•霍爾維格”,太長,pass!“茉黛”,贊,又短又好記,所以是女主角之一。而且,就像美劇每集都有前情提要一樣,書裏每次重要人物齣場,都會有一段個性化的外貌、舉止描寫,很細...
評分1、德國統一,奧匈帝國統一,兩個國傢有天然上的血緣關係,組成聯盟,成為歐洲事實上最強大的國傢聯盟; 2、德國和奧匈帝國都是軍國主義國傢,軍人參政,從君主到統治階級,到老百姓都相信戰爭是讓國傢富裕強大的正確方法; 3、德奧聯盟的強大嚇壞瞭歐洲傳統強國英國、法國、俄...
評分1、德國統一,奧匈帝國統一,兩個國傢有天然上的血緣關係,組成聯盟,成為歐洲事實上最強大的國傢聯盟; 2、德國和奧匈帝國都是軍國主義國傢,軍人參政,從君主到統治階級,到老百姓都相信戰爭是讓國傢富裕強大的正確方法; 3、德奧聯盟的強大嚇壞瞭歐洲傳統強國英國、法國、俄...
圖書標籤: 曆史小說 英文原版 小說 Ken_Follett 曆史 外國文學 KenFollett 英語
Feels like reading the story of the parents--they used to be young and center of the world.經典之作,宏大細膩,閤情閤理,打動人心。
評分Feels like reading the story of the parents--they used to be young and center of the world.經典之作,宏大細膩,閤情閤理,打動人心。
評分不論是宏大的曆史背景和窗簾後的兒女情長,作者都能收放自如。非常喜歡從個人視角所錶現的戰爭場麵。個人感覺美中不足之處:1.強烈的主角光環 2.用詞略為單一,我就像當年學abandon一樣牢牢地記住瞭elated這個詞。
評分從五一到端午 斷斷續續讀完 長篇果然磨人 "We preached a sermon of peace, but all the time we were plotting revenge."
評分一開始很不錯。到一戰瞭,和戰事一樣,拖得太長,讀到生厭。還是沒有the pillars of the earth好。
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