Flatland 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
或者我们太过自大,总认为不会有比我们更高级的存在。这本书狠狠地给那些自大的人类扇了几巴掌,或许我们所说的神明是比我们高一个维度的存在,那个四维国里面最普通的事情在我们看来可能是鬼、神迹、魔法、未解之谜······ 这让我兴奋地脑补了很多诡异的东西。 这让我...
评分《生活大爆炸》里,谢耳朵有一次说:Sometimes when I feel stifled and want a change of scenery, I use my imagination. One of my favorite places to visit is the two dimensional world described in Edwin Abbott's mathematical fantasy, "Flatland." 这本一百多年以...
评分最近我读了一本非常有趣的科幻小说,是埃德温·艾勃特的《平面国》,正如书名所提示的那样,它主要描绘了一个处在二维空间中的国家,在那里一切都是平面的,甚至连人也是一样。也许我们这些处在三维空间的人会觉得他们可怜,但他们本身却是自有一番乐趣。 平面国的居民...
评分封底 在一维世界的人看来,能前后左右移动的人是神,因为他能突然出现又突然消失(移到直线的左边或右边,直线国的人就看不见你了);在二维世界的人看来,能上下移动的人是神,因为他能突然出现又突然消失(移到平面的上方或下方,平面国的人就看不见你了);那在我们这个三维...
图书标签: 阶层 维度 科幻 小說 几何 :虚构:奇幻 -2010年读完 %有电子书
Flatland, Edwin Abbott's story of a two-dimensional universe, as told by one of its inhabitants who is introduced to the mysteries of three-dimensional space, has enjoyed an enduring popularity from the time of its publication in 1884. This fully annotated edition enables the modern-day reader to understand and appreciate the many 'dimensions' of this classic satire. Mathematical notes and illustrations enhance the usefulness of Flatland as an elementary introduction to higher-dimensional geometry. Historical notes show connections to late-Victorian England and to classical Greece. Citations from Abbott's other writings as well as the works of Plato and Aristotle serve to interpret the text. Commentary on language and literary style includes numerous definitions of obscure words. An appendix gives a comprehensive account of the life and work of Flatland's remarkable author.
Flatland 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书