雷沙德·卡普钦斯基,波兰新闻和文学界一位里程碑式的人物。在四十余年驻外记者的生涯中,他的足迹遍及六十多个国家,特别是深入拉美、非洲、中东等人迹罕至的蛮荒地带,他更亲临火线,发回大量弥漫着硝烟的真实报道和照片。他一生亲历二十七场革命和政变,四次被判死刑,四十余次被关押。作为作家,他创作了二十余部文学作品,六次被提名诺贝尔文学奖候选人,被誉为20 世纪最具影响力的作家之一。其主要著作有《生命中的另一天》(1976)、《皇帝》(1978)、《伊朗王中王》(1982)、《帝国》(1993)、《太阳的影子》(1998)、《与希罗多德一起旅行》(2004)等。
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sorry I am not able to type in chinese at this moment. but I will try to catch up with some chinese input later. going through the translated exerts above, I feel 1. you need to read the English version, very good wording. the chinese translation may lose ...
评分sorry I am not able to type in chinese at this moment. but I will try to catch up with some chinese input later. going through the translated exerts above, I feel 1. you need to read the English version, very good wording. the chinese translation may lose ...
评分sorry I am not able to type in chinese at this moment. but I will try to catch up with some chinese input later. going through the translated exerts above, I feel 1. you need to read the English version, very good wording. the chinese translation may lose ...
评分- 和帝国初次「相遇」- 卡普钦斯基的《帝国》具化了我对历史的某些想象。读史书是件挺反人性的事儿,明明没有经历过那个时代,却要强装上帝视角,高屋建瓴地俯视时光隧道里的芸芸众生。所以我一直认为,应当先读文学、读纪实作品、读回忆录,将自己浸淫在那段生活体验中,再去...
评分我想说的是:竖版书看起来真费劲!经常看完一列想看下一列的时候,对不齐,需要用手比划着看。 这应该就是所谓的“纪实文学”的感觉,我相信俄罗斯人读《帝国》,就像我读皮特的《江城》、《寻路中国》和《甲骨文》的感觉,以及朝鲜人看《我们最幸福》的感觉差不多吧,我好奇的...
图书标签: Fiction
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