马克·科兰斯基,《宗派评论》(Partisan Reviews)专栏作家,并经常为《国际先驱导报》、《芝加哥论坛报》及《纽约时报杂志》撰写文章。主要作品有《巴斯克人的世界史》(The Basque History of the World:The Story of a Nation);《被选择的少数:欧洲犹太人的复兴》(A Chosen Few:The Resurrection of European Jewry)、《非暴力主义:一种危险观念的历史》(Nonviolence:The History of a DanKerous Idea)等。此外,他的专著《鳕鱼》(Cod:A BioKraphy of the Fish that Changed the World)获得詹姆斯·比尔德食品写作优秀奖。
1968 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分我当然明白这本《1968:撞击世界的年代》(以下简称《1968》)可让中国书评人微言大义喟叹唏嘘,我当然清楚自己怕读当代简体中文书尤其不少译著非常鸵鸟不够阳光。这些年我好不容易练就一副娱乐心态,懂得欣赏“孟修斯”(Mencius)和“常凯申”(Chiang Kai-shek)这类返...
评分朱科 公众号:书评之乱 曾经看过这样一个电视节目,一位学问渊博的名嘴被现场观众拿着书逐条质问:“为什么你的很多观点前后不一致?前面把某个人批评得一文不值,后面又把他捧上天?” 主持人和其他观众心照不宣,笑而不语,等着看名嘴出丑。言下之意,“你之前言之凿凿,...
评分六十年代的世界史,大概是最容易被中国人忽视的灯下黑。 一边掀起了全国动乱,一边只对日韩的崛起留点模糊的印象。布拉格之春只存只言,肯尼迪也只是一瞥而已。我们难以理解阿甘正传里的反思池两侧浩浩荡荡的人群,也无法理解去年全美纪念肯尼迪的各种追思。苏联从五十年代从兄...
It was the year of sex and drugs and rock and roll. It was also the year of the Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy assassinations, the Chicago Convention, The Tet Offensive, the French student rebellion, Civil Rights, the generation gap, the birth of the Women's movement and the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union. In 1968, Mark Kurlansky has recorded the cultural and political history of a world changing year in which television's influence on global events first became apparent and spontaneous uprisings occurred simultaneously all around the world. The year 1968 encompasses the diverse realms of youth and music, politics and war, economics and the media. This book shows us how one restless, volatile year has helped shape us into who we are today.
1968 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书