奥尔罕·帕慕克(Orhan Pamuk, 1952- ),当代欧洲最杰出的小说家之一,享誉国际的土耳其文学巨擘。出生于伊斯坦布尔,曾在伊斯坦布尔科技技大学主修建筑。2006年获诺贝文学奖,作品已经被译为40多种语言出版。
Orhan Pamuk 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
现代小说是件体力活 ---《我的名字叫红》读后 我曾经怀疑过,奥尔罕.帕慕克的《我的名字叫红》可能是一部名不符实的作品,正如有人猜测过的那样,一本土耳其的《罗生门》。而等我读完这500页的小说之后,我想说的是这种简单类比并不成立,试图简单地把帕慕克的这本书打上个类...
评分特别感谢31老兄的纠误。本文略有订正。 帕慕克是土耳其人。土耳其,一个很遥远的国家,亚洲的最西头,我小时候极端迷恋的一个外来词“拜占庭”,就是土耳其的伊斯坦布尔。这个词的音调婉转顿挫,斩钉截铁但不高亢虚胖,属于我耳朵里的好词。现今的土耳其,名字来源于突厥,很...
评分悠遊見風景——讀奧罕.帕慕克的《我的名字叫紅》 香港人會不會比較熟悉奧罕.帕慕克的《我的名字叫紅》(下稱《紅》)呢?千嬅曾推薦過它。《紅》被譯成多種語言,在世界多處都頗為暢銷。《紅》的故事以一宗謀殺案為引子,引出奧斯曼帝國的歷史面貌、土耳其傳統藝術「細密畫...
评分图书标签: Orhan Pamuk 诺贝尔 帕慕克 外国文学
Read "My names is Red" in its original language, Turkish. Due to the content of the story it is enriched by many cultural terms and expressions related to history and the art of the time. It was quite enjoyable and exciting till the end. Felt like taking a journey at the lives of ordinary people during the golden age of ottoman Empire.
评分Read "My names is Red" in its original language, Turkish. Due to the content of the story it is enriched by many cultural terms and expressions related to history and the art of the time. It was quite enjoyable and exciting till the end. Felt like taking a journey at the lives of ordinary people during the golden age of ottoman Empire.
评分Read "My names is Red" in its original language, Turkish. Due to the content of the story it is enriched by many cultural terms and expressions related to history and the art of the time. It was quite enjoyable and exciting till the end. Felt like taking a journey at the lives of ordinary people during the golden age of ottoman Empire.
评分Read "My names is Red" in its original language, Turkish. Due to the content of the story it is enriched by many cultural terms and expressions related to history and the art of the time. It was quite enjoyable and exciting till the end. Felt like taking a journey at the lives of ordinary people during the golden age of ottoman Empire.
评分Read "My names is Red" in its original language, Turkish. Due to the content of the story it is enriched by many cultural terms and expressions related to history and the art of the time. It was quite enjoyable and exciting till the end. Felt like taking a journey at the lives of ordinary people during the golden age of ottoman Empire.
Orhan Pamuk 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书