Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
2012年12月在国大开会时遇见Bardhan, 听他讲中印经济发展的比较,觉得很有独到的看法,尤其是关于中国是政治上集中、行政上分散而印度正相反的观点,和关于印度的民主不是因为对民主理念的信仰和追求,而是政治妥协的唯一办法甚至是政客谋利的手段的观点。之后即买了此书,但仍...
评分2012年12月在国大开会时遇见Bardhan, 听他讲中印经济发展的比较,觉得很有独到的看法,尤其是关于中国是政治上集中、行政上分散而印度正相反的观点,和关于印度的民主不是因为对民主理念的信仰和追求,而是政治妥协的唯一办法甚至是政客谋利的手段的观点。之后即买了此书,但仍...
评分2012年12月在国大开会时遇见Bardhan, 听他讲中印经济发展的比较,觉得很有独到的看法,尤其是关于中国是政治上集中、行政上分散而印度正相反的观点,和关于印度的民主不是因为对民主理念的信仰和追求,而是政治妥协的唯一办法甚至是政客谋利的手段的观点。之后即买了此书,但仍...
评分2012年12月在国大开会时遇见Bardhan, 听他讲中印经济发展的比较,觉得很有独到的看法,尤其是关于中国是政治上集中、行政上分散而印度正相反的观点,和关于印度的民主不是因为对民主理念的信仰和追求,而是政治妥协的唯一办法甚至是政客谋利的手段的观点。之后即买了此书,但仍...
图书标签: Development PoliticalEconomy 政治经济学 比较政治 印度 经济学 India Economics
The recent economic rise of China and India has attracted a great deal of attention - and justifiably so. Together, the two countries account for one-fifth of the global economy and are projected to represent a full third of the world's income by 2025. Yet, many of the views regarding China and India's market reforms and high growth have been tendentious, exaggerated, or oversimplified. "Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay" scrutinizes the phenomenal rise of both nations, and demolishes the myths that have accumulated around the economic achievements of these two giants in the last quarter century. Exploring the challenges that both countries must overcome to become true leaders in the international economy, Pranab Bardhan looks beyond short-run macroeconomic issues to examine and compare China and India's major policy changes, political and economic structures, and current general performance. Bardhan investigates the two countries' economic reforms, each nation's pattern and composition of growth, and the problems afflicting their agricultural, industrial, infrastructural, and financial sectors. He considers how these factors affect China and India's poverty, inequality, and environment, how political factors shape each country's pattern of burgeoning capitalism, and how significant poverty reduction in both countries is mainly due to domestic factors - not global integration, as most would believe. He shows how authoritarianism has distorted Chinese development while democratic governance in India has been marred by severe accountability failures. Full of valuable insights, "Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay" provides a nuanced picture of China and India's complex political economy at a time of startling global reconfiguration and change.
第一次看觉得写得太好了,很详实的中印比较。细读了几个章节,比方关于农业的,觉得大点说对了(比如土地分配制度和灌溉),但是还不够详细。比方为什么印度的土地制度搞成这样,跟选票有神马关系等等。前段时间Perry Anderson在LRB上有一系列印度历史书评,可对照看看
评分interesting, china's authoritarianism and india's democratism could be roadblocks for their own further development. on one hand, state-led capitalism help build the rapidly economic growth, on other hand, it squeezes the benefits of SME and leads lingering bureaucratic rigidity and nepotism. caste and ethic line restrict mobility of elite in india
评分邂逅:2012年6月导师推荐; 旅程:2012.6.11.-2012.7.3.; 地点:学校;住处; comprehensive assessment of issues that provides a framework for future in-depth analysis
Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书