Fast-paced and dramatic re-telling of the financial crisis that nearly bought the developed world to its knees. Hank Paulson was at the absolute epicentre of the recent economic storm, and his account of how he dealt with the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression makes for absolutely fascinating reading. The book contains all the decisive moments in the economic crisis, including the pivotal meetings with mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as Paulson's personal recollections of and conversations with President Bush, President Obama, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. As well as detailing the major decisions taken during the crisis, Paulson also puts forth the policies he believes need to be implemented to take us securely into the future.
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Hank Paulson是小布什第二個任期內的財長,是Tim Geithner的前任,09年隨著小布什離任他也就離任瞭。對現在的年輕人而言Paulson肯定不如John Paulson有名,但對於08年在市場裏的廣大人們,Hank Paulson是一個不能忘記的名字。 On the Brink是從美國財政部這一當時最重要的市場...
評分(上篇)http://book.douban.com/review/3048595/ Henry M. Paulson Jr.,男童軍(boy scouts)最高級鷹章獲得者,全美高中摔跤比賽冠軍,全美大學ΦΒΚ學術榮譽協會會員,1972年哈佛商學院MBA,畢業後任職美國國防部,1974年加入高盛芝加哥投資銀行部,1999年成為高盛上市後...
評分這是一本金融危機的日記,不同的是寫日記的是前美國財長Henry Paulson。與同樣迴顧金融危機的Too Big To Fail相比,On the Brink幾乎沒有任何奇聞軼事和調侃詼諧,有的隻是Paulson嚴謹平實有條有理的敘述。 盡管如此,仍然很欣賞這位前高盛CEO真知灼見下的妙筆生花,比如有關...
評分幸好是峭壁邊緣 ——《峭壁邊緣:拯救世界金融》書評 作者:徐以升 原文刊登於8月17日齣刊的《第一財經日報》A13版 對於金融危機,可能的話,人們或許想有個“水晶球”來預見,即便不能阻止,也能更好地應對。“不確定性”、“超齣預期”是此輪危機進程中的常見詞匯。但也有...
評分圖書標籤: 金融 Hank_Paulson 華爾街 傳記 英文 美國 經濟金融 經濟。
和Too Big to Fail 對照著看.不錯.比Too Big to Fail 更宏觀一些,八卦視野擴展到全球,而且對華盛頓參眾兩院的運作有深入描寫.
評分interesting history from insider's view. Maybe biased though.
評分和Too Big to Fail 對照著看.不錯.比Too Big to Fail 更宏觀一些,八卦視野擴展到全球,而且對華盛頓參眾兩院的運作有深入描寫.
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