[美] 傑夫•布朗(Jeff Brown)
★獲得美國職業心理學委員會(American Board of Professional Psychology)頒發的認知行為心理學和臨床心理學雙項認證;獲得應用運動心理學學會(the Association for Applied Sport Psychology)頒發的職業運動心理谘詢師認證。
★在過去的十年裏一直擔任波士頓馬拉鬆賽心理醫生,也是《跑者世界》雜誌(Runner’s World)科學谘詢委員會成員。
★著心理學見解被多傢媒體報道,包括《紐約時報》(The New York Times)、《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)、《波士頓環球報》(The Boston Globe)、《創業傢》(Entrepreneur Magazine)等。
★《成功者的大腦》是布朗最暢銷的書之一,已在多個國傢齣版。除此之外,布朗還著有《競爭時代:如何保持常勝不敗》(The Competitive Edge: How to Win Every Time You Compete)、《對壓力說再見》(Say Goodbye to Stress)和《積極思考健康》(Think Positive for Great Health)。
馬剋•芬斯剋(Mark Fenske)
莉斯•內伯倫特(Liz Neporent)
Ever wonder why some people seem blessed with success? In fact, everyone is capable of winning in lifeyou just need to develop the right brain for it. In The Winner’s Brain , Drs. Jeffrey Brown and Mark J. Fenske use cutting-edge neuroscience to identify the secrets of those who succeed no matter whatand demonstrate how little it has to do with IQ or upbringing. Through simple everyday practices, Brown and Fenske explain how to unlock the brain’s hidden potential, using: Balance: Make emotions work in your favor
Bounce: Create a failure-resistant brain
Opportunity Radar: Spot hot prospects previously hidden by problems
Focus Laser: Lock into what’s important
Effort Accelerator: Cultivate the drive to win Along the way, meet dozens of interesting people who possess win factors” (like the inventor of Whac-A-Mole™) and glean fascinating information (like why you should never take a test while wearing red). Compulsively readable, The Winner’s Brain will not only give you an edge, but also motivate you to pursue your biggest dreams.
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作者從腦神經科學的角度提齣成功者的五大基本特點:機會雷達、最佳風險測量儀、目標激光器、努力加速器和能力計算器。 同時也提齣打造成功者的大腦的方法,分彆是自我意識、動機、專注、情緒平衡、記憶、復原力、適應力、關愛大腦,也給瞭一些提高成功要素的方法,如睡眠、冥...
評分 評分 評分 評分文 / 董小琳 小時候,我特彆喜歡看科學傢傳記。 像早産兒牛頓,在老傢躲倫敦大瘟疫時,被蘋果砸中,發現瞭3大定律。 居裏夫人從小智力超群,前半生顛沛流離。直到遇到瞭物理學傢比埃爾,生活與事業纔逐漸走上瞭正軌。 還有一位天纔,據說到瞭3歲還不會說話——沒錯,他就是“相...
圖書標籤: 心理學 教育 education 領導力 英文原版 科普 成功 思維
Take-away lists from introduction to psychology. 這本書還好,等於把心理學入門教材總結瞭幾個tips,加上作者湊起來的一些人物故事編瞭這樣一本書,要總結成乾貨也就一兩頁,我覺得廢話還是多瞭點,但還是值得看的。
評分Most of the recent books on expertise or superior individual performance are quite limited, fixating on simple eye-catching phrase like "100
評分Most of the recent books on expertise or superior individual performance are quite limited, fixating on simple eye-catching phrase like "100
評分Most of the recent books on expertise or superior individual performance are quite limited, fixating on simple eye-catching phrase like "100
評分Most of the recent books on expertise or superior individual performance are quite limited, fixating on simple eye-catching phrase like "100
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