艾薩剋·巴什維斯·辛格(Isaac Bashevis Singer,1904-1991),美國著名猶太裔作傢,先後創作長篇小說《莫斯卡特一傢》,《莊園》,《農莊》等。短片小說《羽毛的王冠》,《短片小說集》,《意象集》等。其中1978年《盧布林的魔術師》獲得當年諾貝爾文學奬。
The fiftieth anniversary of a lost classica deceptively sophisticated tale of sexual compulsion and one man’s flight from love Yasha Mazur is a Houdini-like performer whose skill has made him famous throughout eastern Poland. Half Jewish, half Gentile, a freethinker who slips easily between worlds, Yasha has an observant Jewish wife, a Gentile assistant who travels with him, and a mistress in every town. For Yasha is an escape artist not only onstage but in life, a man who lives under the spell of his own hypnotic effect on women. Now, though, his exploits are catching up with him, and he is tempted to make one final escapefrom his wife and his homeland and the last tendrils of his father’s religion. Set in Warsaw and the shtetls of the 1870sbut first published in 1960Isaac Bashevis Singer’s second novel hides a haunting psychological portrait inside a beguiling parable. At its heart, this is a book about the burden of sexual freedom. As such, it belongs on a small shelf with such mid-century classics as Rabbit, Run ; The Adventures of Augie March ; and The Moviegoer . As Milton Hindus wrote in The New York Times Book Review , The pathos of the ending may move the reader to tears, but they are not sentimental tears . . . [Singer] is a writer of far greater than ordinary powers.”
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得確定一件事:這是一本現代小說。這句話的意思是,小說世界裏,上帝(或許?)已經死瞭,人的任何呼告都得不到真正的迴應,所以這本小說中任何人的問題都無法得到真正的解決。 最後的結局是最後嗎?它仍然是開放的,一個人被無情的世界壓垮瞭,他最後能做的就是歸因於上帝並開始...
評分 評分忘記瞭誰曾經說過,比較經典的文字背後,永遠有著更加深遠的寓意。主人公活得非常真實,有著韋小寶的艷遇,卻沒有他經曆的鬍扯,如果一定要有差不多的人物,那個希臘左巴倒是有些神似。 每個人經曆簡短的一生,可以選擇的生活和運氣或者不幸或者修行,在這本書的這個主人公身上...
評分“他充滿激情的敘事藝術,紮根於波蘭猶太人的文化傳統,反映瞭人類的普遍處境。”不知道是因為諾貝爾的殿堂深不可測,還是因為我這麼一個工作機器太久沒有讀書的原因,我總覺得這部小說並沒有像這些溢美之詞說的那麼好。 我突然想到之前在工地上讀加繆的《鼠疫》,讀《局外人》...
評分文/ Shirleysays 美國猶太裔作傢艾薩剋•巴什維斯•辛格憑藉《盧布林的魔術師》獲得瞭1978年的諾貝爾文學奬。當記者上門采訪問及他的獲奬感受時,他的迴答是,“我感到既意外又開心。” 接下來又有記者不斷地來訪並問同樣問題,辛格最後意味深長地答道,“一個人的意外和...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 英文 諾貝爾 美國 小說
他內心的各種糾結很生動 可是皈依宗教是救贖之道?
評分他內心的各種糾結很生動 可是皈依宗教是救贖之道?
評分他內心的各種糾結很生動 可是皈依宗教是救贖之道?
評分他內心的各種糾結很生動 可是皈依宗教是救贖之道?
評分他內心的各種糾結很生動 可是皈依宗教是救贖之道?
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