Wise, often funny, sometimes heartbreaking, "Persepolis: The Story of Childhood" tells the story of Marjane Satrapi's life in Tehran from the ages of six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-granddaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. "Persepolis" paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Amidst the tragedy, Marjane's child's eye view adds immediacy and humour, and her story of a childhood at once outrageous and ordinary, beset by the unthinkable and yet buffered by an extraordinary and loving family, is immensely moving. It is also very beautiful; Satrapi's drawings have the power of the very best woodcuts. "Persepolis" ends on a cliffhanger in 1984, just as fourteen-year-old Marjane is leaving behind her home in Tehran, escaping fundamentalism and the war with Iraq to begin a new life in the West. In "Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return" we follow our young, intrepid heroine through the next eight years of her life: an eye-opening and sometimes lonely four years of high school in Vienna, followed by a supremely educational and heartwrenching four years back home in Iran. Just as funny and heartbreaking as its predecessor - with perhaps an even greater sense of the ridiculous inspired by life in a fundamentalist state - "Persepolis 2" is also as clear-eyed and searing in its condemnation of fundamentalism and its cost to the human spirit. In its depiction of the universal trials of adolescent life and growing into adulthood - here compounded by being an outsider both abroad and at home, and by living in a state where you have no right to show your hair, wear make-up, run in public, date, or question authority - it's raw, honest, and incredibly illuminating.
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圖書標籤: 繪本 伊朗 政治 美國 漫畫 心理學 Satrapi 14
有些部分錶現力不錯,要真說起來,女主本身的傢庭條件和環境就是與大環境大相徑庭,一切事情就算是反抗也都是順風順水、不痛不癢。有人說,作者這個作品裏錶現齣瞭齣瞭國就更愛國,作者愛的是國嗎?還是她溫暖的傢庭和熟悉的生活環境?不然為什麼三番兩次不滿於伊朗而齣國?作者自身成長經曆正好與朝代更迭、兩伊戰爭、宗教革命的幾年有一定重閤,但無疑,主人公從未真正參與其中,西方人的思想與優越的傢庭給瞭她足以像個outsider一樣旁觀的姿態;但另外,她的伊朗身份的見聞也轉化為她最寶貴的創作財富,化身為某種新時代伊朗女性的代言人,可是您真的能代錶伊朗女性嗎?我眼裏最亮的點在於女主說one should educate oneself
評分第一本從polyu lib藉來看的書 也是我看的第一本英文graphic novel。太精彩瞭!!細膩 真實 有想法。最喜歡前半部分,主人公以一個孩子的視角看待伊朗的政治動蕩。主人公開放的知識分子傢庭讓我太有共鳴瞭。擁有我爸媽這樣的開明的尊重我的父母實在是太幸福啦!
評分第二部分可歸入rip off sequel
評分第二部分可歸入rip off sequel
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