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The Rule of Law


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Tom Bingham, who died aged 76 of lung cancer, was widely recognised as the greatest English judge since the second world war. He held office successively as Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales and Senior Law Lord of the United Kingdom. He became a life peer, as Baron Bingham of Cornhill in the County of Powys, on becoming Lord Chief Justice in 1996. In 2005 he was appointed a Knight of the Garter, the first professional judge to be so honoured. He retired in 2008, and in the same year was elected by the Institut de France as the first winner of the Prize for Law awarded by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation.

The Rule of Law pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

'The Rule of Law' is a phrase much used but little examined. The idea of the rule of law as the foundation of modern states and civilisations has recently become even more talismanic than that of democracy, but what does it actually consist of? In this brilliant short book, Britain's former senior law lord, and one of the world's most acute legal minds, examines what the idea actually means. He makes clear that the rule of law is not an arid legal doctrine but is the foundation of a fair and just society, is a guarantee of responsible government, is an important contribution to economic growth and offers the best means yet devised for securing peace and co-operation. He briefly examines the historical origins of the rule, and then advances eight conditions which capture its essence as understood in western democracies today. He also discusses the strains imposed on the rule of law by the threat and experience of international terrorism. The book will be influential in many different fields and should become a key text for anyone interested in politics, society and the state of our world.

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從法製到法治,隻差一字,有什麼區彆? 法製和法治,一字之差,卻有天壤之彆。法製( Rule by law ),是一個政治實體的法律製度;講究有法必依,執法從嚴,但守法的範圍可大可小。任何社會均可推行法製,商秧之秦、納粹德國都是法製典範之國。所謂的“依法治國”,實際上追求...  


從法製到法治,隻差一字,有什麼區彆? 法製和法治,一字之差,卻有天壤之彆。法製( Rule by law ),是一個政治實體的法律製度;講究有法必依,執法從嚴,但守法的範圍可大可小。任何社會均可推行法製,商秧之秦、納粹德國都是法製典範之國。所謂的“依法治國”,實際上追求...  


從法製到法治,隻差一字,有什麼區彆? 法製和法治,一字之差,卻有天壤之彆。法製( Rule by law ),是一個政治實體的法律製度;講究有法必依,執法從嚴,但守法的範圍可大可小。任何社會均可推行法製,商秧之秦、納粹德國都是法製典範之國。所謂的“依法治國”,實際上追求...  


This is my first professional book on law. Why i will take this book? Because one time, Professor Y asked us a question: Do you know what's the different between the rule of law and the rule by law? This question encourage me go through this book. Although ...


This is my first professional book on law. Why i will take this book? Because one time, Professor Y asked us a question: Do you know what's the different between the rule of law and the rule by law? This question encourage me go through this book. Although ...

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出版者:Penguin Global
作者:Tom Bingham
價格:USD 24.95

圖書標籤: 法律  英國  政治  非虛構類  英文  法學  Rule  法治   

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The Rule of Law pdf epub mobi 用戶評價


政治課一直被灌輸著依法治國是我國的方針,這本書通過把“法治”分為八個部分,讓我清晰明白瞭法治的含義。裏麵有很多有趣的case study,讓原本枯燥無味的法律知識更加visualizing和生動。"No man is above the law."指齣瞭法律的至高無上。通過這本書我還瞭解瞭civil action和criminal case的不同,common law和statutory law的不同,概念上的差異造成瞭法治社會的本質區彆。中國作為一個成文法統治的國傢,不免還存在許多問題,這種問題需要通過普法和進一步深化改革來解決


what's the difference between the rule of law and the rule by law?






政治課一直被灌輸著依法治國是我國的方針,這本書通過把“法治”分為八個部分,讓我清晰明白瞭法治的含義。裏麵有很多有趣的case study,讓原本枯燥無味的法律知識更加visualizing和生動。"No man is above the law."指齣瞭法律的至高無上。通過這本書我還瞭解瞭civil action和criminal case的不同,common law和statutory law的不同,概念上的差異造成瞭法治社會的本質區彆。中國作為一個成文法統治的國傢,不免還存在許多問題,這種問題需要通過普法和進一步深化改革來解決

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