Since it’s original publication nine years ago, Leadership and Self-Deception has become an international word-of-mouth phenomenon. Rather than tapering off, it has sold more copies each year since 2004 than it did in any of the first four years after publication. The book’s central insight—that the key to leadership lays not in what we do, but in who we are—has proved to have powerful resonances not only for organizational leadership, but in readers’ personal lives as well. Leadership and Self-Deception uses an entertaining story about an executive facing challenges at work and at home to expose the precise psychological processes that conceal our true motivations and intentions from us and trap us in a “box” of endless self-justification. Most importantly, the book shows us the way out.
This new edition has been revised throughout to make the story more readable and compelling. And drawing on the extensive correspondence they’re received over the years the authors have added a section that outlines the many ways that readers have been using Leadership and Self-Deception , focusing on five specific areas: hiring, teambuilding, conflict resolution, accountability, and personal growth and development.
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它毫無預兆的齣現在我的視野裏,我被它的組織結構吸引,我是喜歡讀具體事例而不是通篇理論的人,顯然這個目錄展示瞭裏麵有具體事例。 讀之前我並不知道這是否是一本暢銷書,在kindle裏我甚至想不齣它的封麵應該是怎樣的,不記得我什麼時候把它放進去的,但是不妨...
評分記得曾經在什麼地方讀到一個說法 - 心理學並不是我們想要去往的終點,它隻是一個路徑,穿過心理學,你會看到超個人心理學,再往前走,你會看到靈性。當時看到這句話的時候很不屑,誰詆毀我最愛的心理學我跟誰急。在讀完這本書之後,我覺得這句話似乎是對的,至少作者的寫作方式...
評分OUT OF BOX是一個非常容易理解的問題,真的佩服美國人能把一個簡單問題反復說,編齣很多很多的小故事,各種培訓課程,相信大傢想起瞭GRE的邏輯題吧。但這樣的抽絲剝繭式的分析和舉例,確實有助於大傢進行分析和訓練,把好的行為變成一種習慣,一種條件反射,從而為最終的結果提...
評分看瞭一小半,意思很明確,就是當你覺得問題齣在彆人身上的時候很可能問題齣在你身上,整體感覺一般,覺得很羅嗦,有點故弄玄虛,不是我喜歡的風格。 盡管很多人推薦,但我覺得我本身就是個比較有自省精神的人,看不看這書應該問題不太大,不想看瞭。
評分一般我在書店裏挑書的時候,最最不會關注地就是所謂的暢銷書,尤其是管理類的暢銷書.為什麼呢?這類書通常是以一種對話的方式為結構的,然後在整個對話中,反復反復地在強調某種理論,或要麼肯定要麼否定的內容來鋪開.首先,我異常討厭這種結構. 其次,凡是暢銷書,貌似異...
圖書標籤: 管理 領導力 英語 英文 自我探索 社會學 Soundview Leadership
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