Americans call the Second World War The Good War.” But before it even began, America’s wartime ally Josef Stalin had killed millions of his own citizensand kept killing them during and after the war. Before Hitler was finally defeated, he had murdered six million Jews and nearly as many other Europeans. At war’s end, both the German and the Soviet killing sites fell behind the iron curtain, leaving the history of mass killing in darkness. Bloodlands is a new kind of European history, presenting the mass murders committed by the Nazi and Stalinist regimes as two aspects of a single history, in the time and place where they occurred: between Germany and Russia, when Hitler and Stalin both held power. Assiduously researched, deeply humane, and utterly definitive, Bloodlands will be required reading for anyone seeking to understand the central tragedy of modern history.
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自從看瞭《戰後歐洲史》以來,很少見到這麼深刻的書籍瞭,隻是不推薦在睡覺前看。 細節: 1.斯大林將農村集體化的失敗歸罪於農民,希特勒將東部軍事失利歸罪於猶太人。他們2人都有一個烏托邦式的夢想,當夢想受挫,需要用成韆上萬人的死亡來宣揚一場虛假的勝利,由此我聯想到毛...
評分自從看瞭《戰後歐洲史》以來,很少見到這麼深刻的書籍瞭,隻是不推薦在睡覺前看。 細節: 1.斯大林將農村集體化的失敗歸罪於農民,希特勒將東部軍事失利歸罪於猶太人。他們2人都有一個烏托邦式的夢想,當夢想受挫,需要用成韆上萬人的死亡來宣揚一場虛假的勝利,由此我聯想到毛...
評分自從看瞭《戰後歐洲史》以來,很少見到這麼深刻的書籍瞭,隻是不推薦在睡覺前看。 細節: 1.斯大林將農村集體化的失敗歸罪於農民,希特勒將東部軍事失利歸罪於猶太人。他們2人都有一個烏托邦式的夢想,當夢想受挫,需要用成韆上萬人的死亡來宣揚一場虛假的勝利,由此我聯想到毛...
評分自從看瞭《戰後歐洲史》以來,很少見到這麼深刻的書籍瞭,隻是不推薦在睡覺前看。 細節: 1.斯大林將農村集體化的失敗歸罪於農民,希特勒將東部軍事失利歸罪於猶太人。他們2人都有一個烏托邦式的夢想,當夢想受挫,需要用成韆上萬人的死亡來宣揚一場虛假的勝利,由此我聯想到毛...
評分撰文:蒂莫西·斯奈德 翻譯:黎英亮 首發《東方曆史評論》微信公號:ohistory 孩子置身於死亡環繞的世界 (本文節選翻譯自《血色大地》( Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin) 第一章“蘇聯大飢荒”(The Soviet Famines),注釋略) 1 對於西方世界來說,1933年是...
圖書標籤: 曆史 蘇聯 二戰 納粹 歐洲 蒂姆西·施耐德 種族清洗 肅反
Such a depressing book. Powerful, though.
評分11/1/2015 可以和savage continent結閤起來看,很多在那本書中看似瘋狂的行為都可以在這本書中找到根源。對於本書的內容沒有必要大量重復,無非是過於濃厚的邪惡和人性。值得一提的是,為我們所知的集中營和古拉格並不是最殘酷的係統,在特定時期內,他們更多意味著生存和希望,這意味著有更多的生存者可以講述她/他們的故事。施耐德重復敘述事例和有時充滿感情的和過於直白的道德判斷,似乎欠缺史傢的超然態度。但麵對這種題材,這隻能算是微小的缺點;試圖不帶感情的“客觀中立”反而是更大的錯誤。
評分Such a depressing book. Powerful, though.
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