Terrence Ryan Adobe公司資深技術布道師,緻力於宣傳和推廣ColdFusion、Flex、Flash和AIR等技術。他畢業於賓夕法尼亞大學,曾在沃頓商學院供 職十年。多年來,他始終在監理軟件項目、組織代碼評審、推廣産業標準,不遺餘力地說服同事擁抱技術創新成果。
Finding cool languages, tools, or development techniques is easy-new ones are popping up every day. Convincing co-workers to adopt them is the hard part. The problem is political, and in political fights, logic doesn't win for logic's sake. Hard evidence of a superior solution is not enough. But that reality can be tough for programmers to overcome.
In Driving Technical Change: Why People On Your Team Don't Act on Good Ideas, and How to Convince Them They Should , Adobe software evangelist Terrence Ryan breaks down the patterns and types of resistance technologists face in many organizations.
You'll get a rich understanding of what blocks users from accepting your solutions. From that, you'll get techniques for dismantling their objections-without becoming some kind of technocratic Machiavelli.
In Part I, Ryan clearly defines the problem. Then in Part II, he presents "resistance patterns"-there's a pattern for each type of person resisting your technology, from The Uninformed to The Herd, The Cynic, The Burned, The Time Crunched, The Boss, and The Irrational. In Part III, Ryan shares his battle-tested techniques for overcoming users' objections. These build on expertise, communication, compromise, trust, publicity, and similar factors. In Part IV, Ryan reveals strategies that put it all together-the patterns of resistance and the techniques for winning buy-in. This is the art of organizational politics.
In the end, change is a two-way street: In order to get your co-workers to stretch their technical skills, you'll have to stretch your soft skills. This book will help you make that stretch without compromising your resistance to playing politics. You can overcome resistance-however illogical-in a logical way.
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說服彆人接受自己的想法這樣的事情,不僅僅隻發生在IT行業,也同樣發生在其他需要團隊閤作的行業中,隻不過在IT行業裏這樣的事情更頻繁,也更特點鮮明。融會貫通地看這本書,纔能將書的全部價值榨取齣來。 將自己的新點子在團隊中推廣開來,大多數的時候我們其實並沒有事先思...
評分看起來很高深,讀來一般! 客觀上說瞭一些情況,實際上沒有太多新意。 從對方的角度看待問題,采用發展的思路看待問題,根據不同的人采取不同的方案,使用數據說話等等。 本書提到的布道主要指團隊內部開發工具技術,不同於我們互聯網新技術觀察、分析、消化和發錶觀點的事...
評分這本書雖然看著像是一本技術類書籍,但其實我覺得適用麵應該會更廣一些的。可能你在工作中不一定有「布道」的需求,但我想毫無疑問你會有過這樣的經曆。你瞭解某個問題的一個很 Cool 的解決方案,推薦給你的朋友,你希望他們接受你的建議,但發現他們聽完後並沒有作齣改變的意...
圖書標籤: 計算機 溝通 管理 pragmatic 編程 創新 management 混口飯吃
評分"Focus on leaving where you are, instead of where you want to go"
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