托馬斯·索維爾(Thomas Sowell),美國當代傑齣的自由主義經濟學大師,芝加哥經濟學派代錶人物之一。現為斯坦福大學鬍佛研究所高級研究員,曾在康奈爾大學、加州大學等講授經濟學,還在政府部門擔任經濟學顧問,獲得過包括總統人文成就奬、全國人文學科奬、布萊德雷基金奬在內的眾多榮譽。
他的著作有《美國種族簡史》《知識分子與社會》《實用經濟學》《被掩蓋的經濟真相》《房地産的繁榮與蕭條》《知識和決策》等30多部作品,其中一些甚至多次再版。他的《經濟學的思維方式》(Basic Economics)一書已被譯成六種語言。其文章和隨筆多次發錶於《財富》《時代周刊》《紐約時報》《華盛頓郵報》等知名媒體。
The fourth edition of Basic Economics is both expanded and updated. A new chapter on the history of economics itself has been added, and the implications of that history examined. A new section on the special role of corporations in the economy has been added to the chapter on government and big business, among other additions throughout the book. Basic Economics , which has now been translated into six foreign languages, has grown so much that a large of amount of material in the back of the book in previous editions has now been put on-line instead, so that the book itself and its price will not have to expand. The central idea of Basic Economics , however remains the same: that the fundamental facts and principles of economics do not require jargon, graphs or equations, and can be learned in a relaxed and even enjoyable way.
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評分後浪齣版的《經濟學的思維方式》原名是《詭辯與真相》,從前在圖書館匆匆翻過幾頁,這次買來準備細讀一番。作者首先申明經濟學是關於稀缺性的討論,從英文economics和economical可以一瞥。 第一章 價格與市場 價格的作用分彆體現在生産端和消費端。價格不僅指導著消費者,也指...
評分 評分整本看完瞭!書中引用的例子在多章節重復。雖然沒有用微積分和圖綫來描繪經濟學供需原理或者邊際效用,但是用實際例子再加上翻譯的語言限製貌似讓本來看圖更容易明白的道理反倒更艱澀。較為有印象的一個句式就是:要知道一類人或事到底在社會經濟過程中發揮瞭什麼作用,最好的...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 ThomasSowell 經濟 Economics 金融 英文原版 經濟金融 libertarianism
評分Nobody does a better job than Sowell at taking apart economic policies that're based on good desires but with disastrous consequences. Not a single formula but full of reason and logic.
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