In The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture, Pier Vittorio Aureli proposes that a sharpened formal consciousness in architecture is a precondition for political, cultural, and social engagement with the city. Aureli uses the term absolute not in the conventional sense of "pure," but to denote something that is resolutely itself after being separated from its other. In the pursuit of the possibility of an absolute architecture, the other is the space of the city, its extensive organization, and its government. Politics is agonism through separation and confrontation; the very condition of architectural form is to separate and be separated. Through its act of separation and being separated, architecture reveals at once the essence of the city and the essence of itself as political form: the city as the composition of (separate) parts. Aureli revisits the work of four architects whose projects were advanced through the making of architectural form but whose concern was the city at large: Andrea Palladio, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Étienne Louis-Boullée, and Oswald Mathias Ungers. The work of these architects, Aureli argues, addressed the transformations of the modern city and its urban implications through the elaboration of specific and strategic architectural forms. Their projects for the city do not take the form of an overall plan but are expressed as an "archipelago" of site-specific interventions.
The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
如果以2008年全球性的经济危机为界,之前的世界格局提倡资本的自由流动——一种连续、延绵的地质,德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)为代表的法国后结构主义哲学影响深远,伴随着计算机技术的蔓延,成为一系列新形式探索的理论指导。2008年以后,(新)自由主义带来的市场失败、资本贪...
评分如果以2008年全球性的经济危机为界,之前的世界格局提倡资本的自由流动——一种连续、延绵的地质,德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)为代表的法国后结构主义哲学影响深远,伴随着计算机技术的蔓延,成为一系列新形式探索的理论指导。2008年以后,(新)自由主义带来的市场失败、资本贪...
评分The idea of differentiating URBANIZATION and CITY, and re-constructing the knowledge of architecture and city is - as Peter Eisenman put - radical and provocative, also ambitious. But I'm not convinced by the following historical digging and re-articulating...
评分The idea of differentiating URBANIZATION and CITY, and re-constructing the knowledge of architecture and city is - as Peter Eisenman put - radical and provocative, also ambitious. But I'm not convinced by the following historical digging and re-articulating...
评分The idea of differentiating URBANIZATION and CITY, and re-constructing the knowledge of architecture and city is - as Peter Eisenman put - radical and provocative, also ambitious. But I'm not convinced by the following historical digging and re-articulating...
图书标签: 建筑 建筑理论 PierVittorioAureli 城市 Architecture 哲学 Architectural-Theory 意大利
Architectural form reconsidered in light of a unitary conception of architecture and the city.
Thesis reading
评分读的相当累了 但是把建筑看作城市的归宿其实很有意思 建筑学科发展出城市规划再缩到城市设计最后回到建筑
评分用Absolute architecture - Infrastructure 的二元构造(重点在建筑上),挑战现代主义以降以城市整体为对象的Urbanism的“正统”。作为一种替代方案,“群岛策略”将Palladio, Piranesi,Boullée和Ungers联系在一起(私心是推出Ungers),强调建筑作为“城市形式”“城市方案”的可能性。一点浅见:将当代跨国、区域型设计企业和地产商的跨区域实践、开发模式和审美趋势的跨区域传播纳入框架,而不仅仅以建筑师和本地实践为核心,“architecture”会更有生命力和当代意义。
评分当A(城市)在古代(希腊)的时候存在着两个意思B(政治:冲突)+C(经济:住宅分配的效用)的话,那么,经过2000的发展,A丢掉了B,而极端的强化了C,然后A变成了D(urbanization是C主导下的infinite process)。那么,如何在D中重新找到C之后得到的E(指的是海洋中的群岛,群岛就是一个自足的形式),然后获取建筑自身的存在,就是本书的处理核心。然后作者在密斯/库哈斯、帕拉迪奥、布雷、Unger等人的实践中,得到了验证和论据。进而提及一种异样的architectural form stimualted by city project.
The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书