In The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture, Pier Vittorio Aureli proposes that a sharpened formal consciousness in architecture is a precondition for political, cultural, and social engagement with the city. Aureli uses the term absolute not in the conventional sense of "pure," but to denote something that is resolutely itself after being separated from its other. In the pursuit of the possibility of an absolute architecture, the other is the space of the city, its extensive organization, and its government. Politics is agonism through separation and confrontation; the very condition of architectural form is to separate and be separated. Through its act of separation and being separated, architecture reveals at once the essence of the city and the essence of itself as political form: the city as the composition of (separate) parts. Aureli revisits the work of four architects whose projects were advanced through the making of architectural form but whose concern was the city at large: Andrea Palladio, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Étienne Louis-Boullée, and Oswald Mathias Ungers. The work of these architects, Aureli argues, addressed the transformations of the modern city and its urban implications through the elaboration of specific and strategic architectural forms. Their projects for the city do not take the form of an overall plan but are expressed as an "archipelago" of site-specific interventions.
The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
如果以2008年全球性的经济危机为界,之前的世界格局提倡资本的自由流动——一种连续、延绵的地质,德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)为代表的法国后结构主义哲学影响深远,伴随着计算机技术的蔓延,成为一系列新形式探索的理论指导。2008年以后,(新)自由主义带来的市场失败、资本贪...
评分The idea of differentiating URBANIZATION and CITY, and re-constructing the knowledge of architecture and city is - as Peter Eisenman put - radical and provocative, also ambitious. But I'm not convinced by the following historical digging and re-articulating...
评分The idea of differentiating URBANIZATION and CITY, and re-constructing the knowledge of architecture and city is - as Peter Eisenman put - radical and provocative, also ambitious. But I'm not convinced by the following historical digging and re-articulating...
评分如果以2008年全球性的经济危机为界,之前的世界格局提倡资本的自由流动——一种连续、延绵的地质,德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)为代表的法国后结构主义哲学影响深远,伴随着计算机技术的蔓延,成为一系列新形式探索的理论指导。2008年以后,(新)自由主义带来的市场失败、资本贪...
评分如果以2008年全球性的经济危机为界,之前的世界格局提倡资本的自由流动——一种连续、延绵的地质,德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)为代表的法国后结构主义哲学影响深远,伴随着计算机技术的蔓延,成为一系列新形式探索的理论指导。2008年以后,(新)自由主义带来的市场失败、资本贪...
图书标签: 建筑 建筑理论 PierVittorioAureli 城市 Architecture 哲学 Architectural-Theory 意大利
Architectural form reconsidered in light of a unitary conception of architecture and the city.
通过研究历史案例作者探讨了建筑应在城市肌理中扮演一个怎样的角色。如果读过或者了解Rossi的Architecture of the City,那就不会对书中的论据论调感到陌生。作者将建筑比作城市海洋中的一个个既相互联系,又有独立的孤岛。这倒是和海德格尔的“林中空地”有一定的相通之处。然而如何设计具体的建筑?还是要靠建筑师自己求索啊。。。
评分第一次在建筑语境中用“绝对”一词,pv“绝对”的意义应该在“分离”,是一种stop-city在与城市化过程的内部对抗中寻求的某种分离,这种分离的意义在本篇以及他的自主性那部著作中已经做好了理论阐述,然而现实中具体的可实施性问题现在势必需要用他所说的策略性方案提供一个多元的决策向度,协商,并加以论证,其“绝对”的意义,在空间的实践spatial practice过程中将如何再现
评分A historical overview of “autonomy of architecture” / “projects of the city”, and covers the topics after Collage City (1978), Delirious New York (1978), Bigness (1995), and some others. It views fragmentation of the contemporary built- environment from a different perspective.
评分Aureli is not what I imagined to be determined and definite about types. for ADR typology, recommended by Abe. like the drawings a lot thou.
The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书