[美] 弗雷德裏剋·肯普,大西洋理事會總裁兼首席執行官。此前在《華爾街日報》擔任記者、專欄作傢和編輯超過二十五年,是該報首席外交記者、駐柏林分社社長、歐洲版《華爾街日報》副社長。他之前的著作有《與獨裁者分手:美國和諾列加的紛爭》《西伯利亞的奧德賽:俄羅斯的心靈之旅》《父親和祖國:新德國的私人探訪記》。大西洋理事會是美國東部傳統“大西洋主義者”重要的民間政策研究和協調機構,由己故前國務卿剋裏斯琴·赫脫和威爾·剋萊頓等人發起和創建的。目前是華盛頓較為重視的對華研究的主流思想庫之一。
A fresh, controversial, brilliantly written account of one of the epic dramas of the Cold War-and its lessons for today.
"History at its best." -Zbigniew Brzezinski
"Gripping, well researched, and thought-provoking, with many lessons for today." -Henry Kissinger
"Captures the drama [with] the 'You are there' storytelling skills of a journalist and the analytical skills of the political scientist." - General Brent Scowcroft
In June 1961, Nikita Khrushchev called it "the most dangerous place on earth." He knew what he was talking about.
Much has been written about the Cuban Missile Crisis a year later, but the Berlin Crisis of 1961 was more decisive in shaping the Cold War-and more perilous. For the first time in history, American and Soviet fighting men and tanks stood arrayed against each other, only yards apart. One mistake, one overzealous commander-and the trip wire would be sprung for a war that would go nuclear in a heartbeat. On one side was a young, untested U.S. president still reeling from the Bay of Pigs disaster. On the other, a Soviet premier hemmed in by the Chinese, the East Germans, and hard-liners in his own government. Neither really understood the other, both tried cynically to manipulate events. And so, week by week, the dangers grew.
Based on a wealth of new documents and interviews, filled with fresh- sometimes startling-insights, written with immediacy and drama, Berlin 1961 is a masterly look at key events of the twentieth century, with powerful applications to these early years of the twenty- first.
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黃艾禾/文 我們都知道德國首都柏林曾有一道“柏林牆”,它修起來30年後,又被拆瞭。它修起來的年代,我懵懵懂懂,隻知道世界被分為瞭“社會主義陣營”和“資本主義陣營”,我們是屬於前者的;它被拆瞭的時候,我們聽說,冷戰結束瞭。 《柏林1961:肯尼迪、赫...
評分 評分對冷戰曆史有興趣的讀者不應該錯過這本書,從世界格局的大背景到政治環境到勢力間的博弈,這本書可以說是翻譯過來的第一本如此專著而又全麵的書。作為冷戰的標誌性建築,柏林牆可以說影響瞭至少三代人對於那個時代的看法,這並不是由於赫魯曉夫的不理性抑或是美國的咄咄逼人纔...
評分這是我今年看過的到目前為止最好的一本書。 一直都不大喜歡看關於近代史的書,總覺得作者因為時代的原因可能不是太過於客觀,之前看過最好的書莫過於威廉夏伊勒的《第三帝國的興亡》,而這次的這本《柏林 1961》讓我眼前一亮,非常好的近代曆史的書籍。 對於柏林牆這一段曆史...
圖書標籤: 曆史 德國 英語 敘事
其實我沒讀完T_T文筆通俗易懂適閤非native speaker看呀~
評分其實我沒讀完T_T文筆通俗易懂適閤非native speaker看呀~
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