If you're just getting started with Perl, this is the book you want-whether you're a programmer, system administrator, or web hacker. Nicknamed "the Llama" by two generations of users, this bestseller closely follows the popular introductory Perl course taught by the authors since 1991. This 6th edition covers recent changes to the language up to version 5.14. Perl is suitable for almost any task on almost any platform, from short fixes to complete web applications. Learning Perl teaches you the basics and shows you how to write programs up to 128 lines long-roughly the size of 90% of the Perl programs in use today. Each chapter includes exercises to help you practice what you've just learned. Other books may teach you to program in Perl, but this book will turn you into a Perl programmer. Topics include: Perl data and variable types Subroutines File operations Regular expressions String manipulation (including Unicode) Lists and sorting Process management Smart matching Use of third party modules
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菜鳥要勇敢!隻有骨灰骨灰級的Perl玩傢纔知道的秘密! 這裏的許多人(1980後),肯定都聽說過鍾道隆吧,就是獨創瞭風靡1990年代的“逆嚮英語學習法”的那位老爺子。 這位老爺子,是在他45歲那年纔開始自學英語的,一年之後就成為瞭翻譯!而且他是復讀機的發明者(來自《維基...
評分絕對的perl入門的好書。讀這本書其實是個意外,當時想買的是讀過兩章電子感覺還不錯的beginning perl,結果下單的時候買錯瞭。雖然買的是英文版,而且本人英語一般,但是看瞭幾頁之後就發現已經不想放下瞭,這是第一本讓我有極大的渴望去看完的一本技術類書籍。語言輕鬆風趣,...
評分對初學者很友好的一本書,漫天的腳注讓我想到瞭新星的圖注本福爾摩斯。 Headfirst Perl暫時還沒有,不過小駱駝也一樣的易讀和有趣。花瞭一周看完第一遍,又用瞭三天讀瞭第二遍,現在還在完成練習題。 PS喜歡做題的朋友可以看->Student Workbook for Learning Perl. LISP說,接...
圖書標籤: Perl Programming O'Reilly 計算機 編程 英文原版 編程語言 programming
pref: unix>python>>perl...
評分Need practical code !!
評分Need practical code !!
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