Craig Walls is a software developer with over 15 years' experience and coauthor of XDoclet in Action and author of Modular Java, published by Pragmatic. He is a zealous promoter of the Spring Framework, speaking frequently at local user groups and conferences and writing about Spring and OSGi on his blog. When he's not slinging code, Craig spends as much time as he can with his wife, two daughters, 7 birds, and 2 dogs. Craig lives in Plano, Texas.
Spring in Action, Third Edition has been completely revised to reflect the latest features, tools, practices Spring offers to java developers. It begins by introducing the core concepts of Spring and then quickly launches into a hands-on exploration of the framework. Combining short code snippets and an ongoing example developed throughout the book, it shows you how to build simple and efficient J2EE applications. The revised Third Edition explores the core Spring Framework issues, as well as the latest updates to other Spring portfolio projects such as Spring WebFlow and Spring Security. The result is a book that's both broader and deeper than previous editions. You'll learn the full range of new features available with Spring 4, including: More annotation-oriented options to reduce the amount of XML configuration Full-featured support for REST A new Spring Expression Language (SpEL) that makes short work of wiring complex values. Examples that illustrate the current best practices developed in the Spring community. This book assumes that you know your way around Java, but no previous experience with Spring is required.
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做Spring下的Web項目已經有一段時間瞭,但是一直局限於具體業務,沒有從大的範圍內瞭解一下,看瞭這本書收獲很大的。Spring不單單是一個web框架,應該算是一個輕量級的Java開發框架。 本書最難能可貴的是,作者會用恰當的比喻和輕鬆的口吻來解釋一些專業的概念,看起來非常輕...
評分《Spring in Action》是一本關於Spring的最基本介紹的書。這本書的定位就相當於是關於Spring的新華字典,隻有一些基本概念的介紹和示例,涵蓋瞭Spring的各個方麵,但都不夠深入。就像作者在最後一頁寫的那樣:“學習Spring,這纔剛剛開始”。 Can't agree more. Spring的博大精...
評分我就納悶瞭 都第六次印刷瞭 先不說翻譯的問題 剛剛翻到36頁 就看到瞭3處 錯彆字和拼寫錯誤 能不能改正下啊 齣版社能不能端正下態度啊 這麼好的一本書 就這麼讓翻譯和齣版社毀瞭 真是無語瞭! 我看過不少人民郵電齣版社齣的書 都是這樣 其實錯彆字還好 這種代碼書就怕後麵...
評分特彆是第13章,錯彆字太多,可能是使用拼音輸入法的原因吧。更可恨的是把函數名也寫錯瞭:13.1.3 把handleRequestInternal寫成瞭handleRequest,害人不淺啊! 確實需要邊看英文原文邊看中文版。
圖書標籤: spring Java 編程 計算機 in_Action framework 軟件開發 程序設計
評分重讀。主要看spring security那章,在使用講的還是很好理解,再加上mykong的示例,基本能理解其工作原理和基本的使用方式,高級方法,需要另找資料,之前magic負責寫的項目,感覺能理解瞭,意外之喜
評分well formed structure & impressive explain.
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